Choices in Life!

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By Gail Schmidt, Volunteer for Setting Captives Free
January 10, 2024
Every day, we have choices in our lives. Choices that can determine our eternity. The Bible tells us that we can walk into eternity via two paths offered to us. One path is from God, and the other is from the world.
The first path from the world is wide and easy to walk. On it, we experience how the world tells us to live. We put ourselves first. Self-love is most important. No one else but yourself should be of any consideration. We are driven to get what we want, no matter the cost to anyone else.
This path soon turns crooked. It takes us deeper into the darkness that prevails when we sin against God. Eventually, we will die here on earth, and in eternity, we will be separated from the God who created us.
Going our way on this crooked, wide path seems good to most people till in death; the path ends in Hell.
There is another path to choose. It is straight but narrow. This path leads to Heaven and an eternity with our God. He calls us to this path through His Son, Jesus Christ. Those who have chosen to accept His great sacrifice on the cross are on this path. Jesus came to die for men so that when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are saved by God’s grace through our faith we are forgiven of our sins.
Led by the Spirit who dwells in believers, we walk the narrow path throughout our lives. We become more like Jesus every day as we surrender our will to Him. We are led to obey His perfect plans for our lives. We live to show His light of life to others.
No one can snatch us out of our Father’s hands when we are on the straight and narrow path. We will walk this path until God calls us home to be with Him forever. In His path is love and life. There will be no more sin or death when we are with God forevermore. For our Lord Jesus Christ died as the perfect sacrifice for us. He defeated sin and death for us.
Behold, before you, are the two paths you can take in your life. Which will you choose? My choice is to choose the straight and narrow. I will live with God forever and behold His great love for me.

Let us Behold Our God

See His Light in the World For Jesus is that light Down from heaven, He came Defeating the darkness of sin
He shone His light for all to see Yet so many rejected Him They were looking at this world But the Light came down from above
No darkness is left untouched by Him Unless we reject Him as Savior Let this never be our experience Instead, let us Behold our God
Behold His hands and feet Behold His side and head Behold all that He is Behold His light of love
Let Him rule in our hearts today No darkness is in Him Pure, loving, and hold is He Behold God in all His glory!

Scripture used: Matthew 7:13-14, 1 Corinthians 3:18, Romans 7:5, Ephesians 2:8-9, 4:1-3, Galatians 5:13-22, John 10:28, 1 John 3:2, Revelation 21:4, Hebrews 10:12