My New Year

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By Gail Schmidt, Volunteer for Setting Captives Free
December 19, 2023
This time of the year always seems to be like the beginning of a new year. Christmas is such a joyous time for Christians as we celebrate the birth of our Savior. This event marked the coming of our Savior into this world. It was the start of our Savior’s mission that God had set into motion from the beginning of time. It was God’s idea and, for us, the redemption that we would need to be able to never be separated from Him.
Jesus was born to die. Jesus came to be the only sacrifice that God would accept for the payment of all sin. Jesus lived a sinless life. He lived to show us the love that God has for all people. God sent His only Son into the world to die so man could be saved. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, God sees us as righteous through His blood. God accepts us as His children, and we are given salvation and everlasting life.
This is only the beginning of the treasures we receive when we put our faith and trust in our Savior. We are adopted, forgiven, redeemed, and given the Spirit, who safeguards our inheritance until we reach our eternal home. We are filled with the truth, knowledge, and wisdom that God gives us through the Spirit.
None of this would have come about if Jesus had not been born in Bethlehem. For this reason, we can say Jesus is the "Reason for the Season." This is the reason Christmas seems to me to be a better start to the new year.
Just as we all make resolutions for the new year, I contemplated what my resolutions should be as Christmas approaches. Jesus reminded me that loving Him with all my heart, seeking Him with all that I am, and being obedient to His call on my life should have been and should continue to be how I live my life. No new resolutions are needed when I am focused on Him alone in my life.
So as this “new year” starts on Christmas Day, let it find me washing at the cross, walking by the Spirit, and warring against sin in my life.
Come and join me this Christmas (my new year) in making Jesus always the center of our lives.
Scripture used: Galatians 1:4, John 3:16–17, Ephesians 1:3–14, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Matthew 6:33, 1 Peter 1:35.