What Is in Your Rear View Mirror?

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By Gail Schmidt, Volunteer for Setting Captives Free
February 15, 2023
Living life in the fast lane, getting ahead anyway I can. Viewing the next best thing for me. Wanting more and more and more, the more I get, the less satisfied I am. My life is running on empty no matter how I chase the dream.
That dream of being somebody. That dream of self-importance. That dream that never seems I can achieve because that dream is not focused on God.
Living life in God’s will. Living to please only Him. Living with eternity as my focus and the world in my rearview mirror. How do I do this I asked. How do I achieve this dream? It is not how you live, but whom you live for. This was my reply.
“Love the Lor God with all your heart, mind, and soul. Love others as yourself.” “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all the rest will be added unto you.” This seems impossible to do. But that is when I was shown that I cannot do this on my own. I only can live this way when I yield my life to my Savior.
On a wooden cross long ago Jesus died to save me from my sins. God sent Jesus to this earth for that very reason. He lived, died, and rose so that I may be free of sin. For sin and death were defeated for you and me. We are called to live in Him.
He shows us in His Word how we can do this. We are called to walk with the Spirit who is in us as we follow God’s perfect plans for each of us. These plans are for our good and not for our harm. But it takes yielding my life to Jesus every day of my life.
So it is a choice I must make every morning I wake up. Will I live for eternity today or for the world’s sinful ways? Come and join me at the cross at the start of each day and let us wash in the blood of the Lamb. Let us seek to walk with the Spirit today as He guides us in the paths of righteousness. Let us stand in the full armor of God that is available to us. Only then are we ready to live to fight against sin in our lives.
Drive through life each day with eternity in clear view and the world in your rearview mirror.
Scripture used Matthew 22:37, Matthew 6:33, John 3:16, Romans 6:4, Ephesians 6:10-18)