

We are so glad that you joined us in The Cross Applied - Finding Life in Jesus' Death study. We hope this study was encouraging and edifying to you. Please share your thoughts with us.

Question 1. How was your heart affected by this study?

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.

Questions 2. Please share something you want to remember from this study.

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Question 3. Would you recommend this study to others? Why or why not?

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Darrel writes, "Yes: It is major meat from God's Word."

Question 4. Please share any final thoughts, feedback, or suggestions here.

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.
Wendy writes the following:
"I'm glad there are courses like this one who are not so much directed on helping people out of a mess like depression, sexual immorality, marriage problems, etc. The courses focused on that are tremendously helpful and I'm sooo very glad they are there. Doing the depression course was a great help for me. I got light and hope again! So so good! But not all people are in those messes but also need the gospel, so a course like this is for everyone."
Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. It is so helpful.

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If you benefited from this study, please consider leaving a review on Amazon. You might also consider starting a local small group study so that you can share the good news with others.
If you have been helped by Setting Captives Free and you want to partner with us in getting the good news of Christ's death and resurrection out to people around the world, please consider supporting this ministry in prayer, with a donation of any size, or by starting a small group study in your local church or community.
The Cross Applied