Day 16. Third Principle of Freedom

Question 3

Here we see the specific plans that were given to Jehoshaphat for warring against the enemy:
  • God gave them courage and assurance. “Don’t fear the enemy, for the battle is God’s.”
  • God gave them the specific time of the battle: “Tomorrow they were to march.”
  • God gave them the place: the enemy would be climbing up the pass, at the end of the gorge
  • God gave them the method: “Take up your positions, stand firm, see the deliverance the Lord will give you.”
  • God gave them specific instructions: “Go out and face them tomorrow.”
The point here is that God provided a specific plan at a specific time and place to bring victory to His people. This is what we need to seek the Lord for. Ask Him for a specific way to fight against your specific temptations, a way to win the battle against the “vast enemy” of impurity that comes against you.
In the next verses, we see that Jehoshaphat appointed singers to lead the army into battle.
And here was the final outcome:
“As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.”
2 Chronicles 20:22
Listen to this: "As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes..." The Israelites demonstrated faith in God's promise and followed His instructions, singing and praising as if victory was already won.
God's solutions are not the same as human solutions. He calls us to look up at the cross, where Jesus died to defeat Satan and secure eternal life for believers. By praising Him for the cross, we acknowledge the victory that has already been achieved.
In the face of the battle, God invites you to recognize your weakness, turn to Him for strength, and seek His guidance. Look to Him as your commanding officer, sharing your problems and seeking His solutions.
There's no shame in acknowledging the power of the enemy over you as long as you rely on the Lord for victory. Through Jesus Christ, God grants us triumph over our struggles (1 Corinthians 15:57).
Take a moment now to have a strategy session with the Lord. Seek His guidance through prayer and His Word. Write down a battle plan to overcome your personal struggles, committing it to prayer.

Question 3. Do you have a God-given battle plan? If yes, please share it here. If not, please share what is hindering you.

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Remember, our victory is already secured through Jesus. Trust in Him, seek His wisdom, and move forward with confidence, knowing that He is with you.
From Recovery To Freedom