Lesson 24 Warring Against the Flesh - Believing God’s Word
Questions 6 and 7
The Power of the Gospel
Friend, if you really believe that message, it will come to you with power! You know that Jesus was pierced in His hands, feet, and side by Roman soldiers for the sins and transgressions you have committed. You know that Jesus was punished so that you could have peace with God. Let this truth humble you, let it cut your heart to see Jesus enduring the punishment that you deserve. Let it make you thankful to see Him suffering and dying in your place, freeing you from sin’s grip and giving you eternal life.
“We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”
Isaiah 53:6 NIV
Then turn it to prayer:
“Father, I turned my back on you to gratify the lusts of my flesh. But, Father, you laid all my sin on your own Son. I see Jesus there, weighed down with my years of substance abuse, my selfish living, all my wrong deeds; yes, even the iniquity of the whole world was put right on the spotless Lamb of God. Oh, thank you, God, thank you Lord Jesus for carrying my sins and for dying in my place. Since you carried them, I no longer do. I am free! Oh, thank you, thank you! Help me to live as the free person you made me.”
“Yet it was the Lord's will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the Lord makes his life an offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.”
Isaiah 53:10 NIV
After he has suffered, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities.
Isaiah 53:11 NIV
Oh, yes! Jesus not only died for my sins but also rose from the dead. After He entered the darkness to rescue me, He saw the light of life. He was satisfied with His death because He justified me by it. He carried my iniquities to the cross and the grave and then left them there; and in so doing, He justified me before God. He made me righteous—without sin, free from condemnation, and holy before God! Praise you, Father! Thank you, Jesus!
Lesson Summary
Summary: God’s way of freeing men and women from the trap of substance abuse is through giving them the message of the gospel. As they believe it, He reveals His arm of power to them and sets them free.
We must cry out to God for faith to believe the gospel as if it were written to us personally. We must push past our doubts and fears, past others’ opinions, and past worldly teachings, and latch on to Jesus and the good news of His death and resurrection.
For when we do, the power of God’s right arm starts knocking the enemy out, making us aggressive in our battle plan to war against the flesh and we start winning some battles. Fight the good fight of faith, soldier! For when we do, we fight in the shadow of the cross, resting in Jesus’ finished work!
Michael writes, "I am free from tobacco and alcohol abuse. The Lord has completely enhanced my life to center around Him. He has saved my life and my soul.
I recommend this study. It helps you be mindful, stay diligent in the word and in prayer daily, and develop a specific God-driven plan."