Lesson 17 Looking to Christ
Question 8
The message is clear, we are to turn to Jesus and “fix our eyes on Him.” We are to be fixated on Jesus. And specifically, we center our attention on how Jesus endured the cross for us, how He cleansed us by enduring the scorn and ridicule of the cross.
If you will turn and look at Jesus, see Him dying in your place to make atonement for your sins, and rising from the dead to justify you before God, you will be strengthened and encouraged. You will “not grow weary and lose heart”, rather you will be lifted up, filled with gratitude, and given spiritual energy to live life victoriously. Do you see the value of looking away from yourself and your problems and focusing on Jesus and His victory through death?
This intense focus on Jesus corrects our nearsightedness and heals our blindness. Focusing on Christ keeps us from being preoccupied with our problems, our guilt, and the shame of our sins.
Looking to Jesus in this way has taken me from that self-centered, sin-burdened man I told you about at the start of this lesson, to the gospel-centered and joyfully Christ-dependent man I am today. I am free not only from all substances but also from a constant looking inward and dwelling on my sins and my problems. I am praying this will be your experience too.
Someone reading these words right now is going to turn and look at the cross, see the suffering Jesus is willingly enduring for them, and they will believe the message and embrace Jesus wholeheartedly. And like the Israelites in the wilderness, they will experience real healing from sin's penalty and sin's power, they will know within themselves that the venom of sin is leaving them and that it no longer has power over them. Friend, will this be you? If so, please share this in your answer below:
Question 8. What did you learn, or what have you been reminded of in this lesson?
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