Lesson 23 Warring Against the Flesh - Abiding in Christ

Questions 5 and 6

The Vine and Branches

This passage makes it clear that we are branches that must live in the vine, who is Jesus. As we abide in Christ, we produce fruit, even as the vine pushes nutrients and water through to the branches to make them fruitful.
And if we abide in Christ and produce fruit, the Father “trims (prunes) and cleans” us. Here we see the importance of washing at the cross daily, experiencing the cleansing power of Jesus’ death to rid us of sin, to remind us of the death of our guilt, to cleanse our consciences from dead works so that we can serve the living God. God prunes and cleanses us so that we produce more fruit.
“You are already clean because of the words I have spoken to you.”
John 15:3 NCV

Question 5. According to John 15:3 NCV, what effect does the Word of God have on all who believe it?

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Yes, the words Jesus speaks to you make you clean. Those words show you the cross where Jesus entirely removed your sin, where Jesus crucified your guilt, where He washed both your heart and your slate clean and gave you a new life!
“Remain in me, and I will remain in you. A branch cannot produce fruit alone but must remain in the vine. In the same way, you cannot produce fruit alone but must remain in me.”
John 15:4 NCV

Question 6. According to John 15:4, how can you produce fruit, escape the trap of habitual sin, and be free from lust? Please share your thoughts.

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