Lesson 17: Belief in the Message of the Cross Brings Righteousness

Question 1

Marco Polo of Mike’s teaching: Monday 26th April 2021
“So also Abraham “believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness. 7 Understand, then, that those who have faith are children of Abraham. 8 Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: “All nations will be blessed through you.”
Galatians 3:6-8 NIV
From the teaching today:
“Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.” Genesis 15:6 NIV Notice that Abraham was not righteous. But then he heard something and he believed what he heard and God credited his believing that message as righteousness for Abraham. The word ‘credited’ is an accounting term. An accountant might list on a sheet of paper: on the left side are the debits and on the right side are the credits. And when Abraham believed a certain message, righteousness was listed on the credit side and all the debits were removed. No more sin as a debit on the left side. Righteousness only listed as the credit. Paul says something in verse 7 that applies it to you and I. He says that those who have faith are children of Abraham. He is talking about you and me, isn’t he? He just told us how to be credited with righteousness. To be the children of Abraham means to believe like Abraham believed. And to share in his blessing.”

Question 1: What are your thoughts about this teaching? How is “All nations will be blessed through you.” (Galatians 3:8b) the gospel?

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