Lessons From A Chip

Day 8 - God Teaches Us in Many Ways

Lessons from a Potato Chip
This afternoon as I passed by my pantry, I thought I would finish a bag of chips that I had eaten part of for lunch. My soul within me was nudged by the Spirit - Are you really hungry? This question was brought to my mind. I stopped and thought - no not really. But a compromise was that I would eat just one. That word Comprise spoke loudly to me. Clear as a bell it called my name. Then, a still small voice spoke deep within me asking if I am willing to compromise on this, what else am I willing to compromise on?
That still small voice stirred up my soul. For I knew without a doubt it was the Spirit speaking to me. He continued to probe deep within me asking questions that rocked my soul. Was I making food an idol more important than God? Was I willing to compromise on my belief in God? God has said that there should be no other gods before Him in my life. (Exodus 20:3) He has also said that I should love Him with my whole heart, mind, and soul. (Matthew 22:37)
So to the cross, I came, asking forgiveness for this sin, knowing that my Savior died for me. He comprised nothing for my salvation. I have been washed white as snow and find no condemnation is coming at me. For in great love, I am forgiven, and my sins are forgotten. (John 3:16, Romans 8:1, Psalm 103:12)
The Spirit in me speaks truth into my life. (John 16:13) He calls me to abide in my Savior. (John 15:4) He gives me the power to say no to my flesh and defeat my flesh.
So a compromise is not an option in my core beliefs. God will not share His glory with anything else in my life. So first He must be in everything I believe, say, and do. For He gave up His only beloved Son so that I could have life eternal. What else could ever be more important in my life?
So deep within my soul, I have been reminded of who God is. The one and only living God who gave up His best for me. Such wonderful lessons learned from a potato chip!

Question 1. What has God used in your life to teach you His truth?

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