Day 1: Salvation


Is there some sin that troubles you and causes you to doubt God’s love and acceptance of you? Some wrong from your past that haunts your thoughts and worries you? Look at Jesus on the cross and believe what God tells you about Him. Your sin—past, present, and future—was laid upon Jesus (Isaiah 53:6).
Put your faith in Jesus, and thank God that these sins are no longer on you! Be thankful to Jesus, who bore your sins. Allow Jesus' love to remove your fear and worry (1 John 4:18). Keep looking at Christ on the cross, and Christ, risen from the dead, and walk in the light of God's love and blessing. Jesus has purchased it for you with His precious blood.
Lifted up was He to die; “It is finished!” was His cry; Now in Heav’n exalted high. Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Come, friend, be happy in looking to Jesus as your Savior! Enjoy Him. Believe in and focus on Jesus as your Savior and Lord and behold all things shall become new (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Question: How does looking to Jesus as Savior give you hope for salvation?

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Kim writes, "Looking to Jesus gives me hope for salvation because He did for me what I could never do for myself - live a sinless life and then He took the penalty of my sin on Himself. His life and death satisfied the Father and I am secure in Christ, therefore my salvation is secure because I have Jesus' record of righteousness! Hallelujah!!"
Mike L. writes, "Jesus is my everything, my only hope is in Him, if it were left up to me I would be spending eternity in hell. Thank God for the cross of Christ, now nothing depends on me but everything depends on Christ finished work which is complete according to God our Father."
Joe writes, "Everything I have tried has failed. I was still in bondage, still broken, still poisoned and dying because of the snake bite of sin. God's solution is the only one that works! Jesus' death and resurrection gives me hope."
Terry writes, "It gives me hope to know I am so loved that Jesus, who never messed up and did not deserve mocking, flogging, crucifixion, would do it anyway so that I could be free and united with Him. It gives me hope to know that the same power that brought Him back to life is available to help me now live a life that glorifies God, that overcomes the very sin that put Jesus on the cross!"
Looking to Jesus