Day 15: Discontent


Have you been seeking relief from the difficulties of life in earthly things? Are you comfort eating, drinking to forget, seeking satisfaction in sexual impurity? Are you living a life of self-loathing, bound up with bitterness about what others have done to you, seething in anger, coveting other’s circumstances, or living in hate or resentment?
Look to Jesus, dear friend. Look to His cross and see Jesus pouring out His life to set your free. See that you are safe in His love, accepted in His righteousness, and free in His forgiveness.
Come to the cross of Jesus and see Him facing all the hardships of life and living through them perfectly and attributing that perfection to you. See Jesus enduring all the persecutions, unjust mockings and beatings, taking on all your weaknesses and failings and dying with them. Now see Him rising with healing in His wings for you. Learn contentment from your Beloved! Embrace the new life that Jesus has purchased for you. Rejoice in your King Jesus who never leaves you nor forsakes you.
When you experience trials, hardships, or persecution, you can be fully content, for Jesus is in the trial with you. Jesus brings freedom to you in the midst of your difficulties. He is in control; He will sustain you and bring you through safely. You are loved!
“Keep your life free from love of money and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?” Hebrews 13: 5-6

Question: How does focusing on Christ and His cross foster contentment in your heart today?

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Jen writes, "By His death on the cross, everything and every need I could ever have has been met! Jesus went through the fire so that I can be in the fire of this world without even the scent of smoke on me! He is my everything and without Him I would have nothing!"
Judy writes, "Lord help me to keep my eyes on the sacrifice, the blood you shed for me. As I look to the cross, the fire burning and not consuming, just as we are cleansed into a new life with Christ, all the old is washed away. Help me to focus more on You than me. Amen!"
Sophia writes, "There was so much to learn in this lesson!
- In any state of weakness, hardship, abundance, or need, the SECRET of facing those things is Jesus Christ who strengthens me!
- What gives me contentment/strength in him? Knowing that I belong to him, and knowing his love and forgiveness to me is one thing, because he took the fire of God's wrath for me.
- Another thing is knowing that he is with me in the fire and that he will not let a hair of my head be singed :)
- what will not give me contentment? Earthly things.
I am amazed by the mercies of Jesus. That he would do that for me! God's wrath is not an easy thing, especially coming from a father to a Son. I'm undone by the grace of Jesus to stand with me in the fire even though he doesn't have to.
Mike L. writes, "Wow, this is so comforting, the world tries to offer stuff to fulfill your life, like everything is about entertainment, holidays, sports events, material things that are shiny and new, but none of these things fulfill us in any way, they are fleeting and leave us wanting. Real satisfaction comes in seeing how loved I am by the Creator of all things, so much so that He gave His very life so that my needs could be fully met. That is absolutely mind-boggling, humbling, knowing that I am loved so much. There is nothing more fulfilling than spending time with Jesus, I've spent alot of time doing things that have not met my needs but I have never felt that way spending time worshipping Jesus."
Looking to Jesus