Lesson 5 The Gift of Living Water Satisfies Us Forever

Question 1

Greetings friend, welcome back to the course, nice to have you here with us today.
Before we begin today, I want to tell you about an experience I had in my life. When I was a teenager, I became addicted to gaming. The particular company that made these games came out with a new one about once per month, so I would play the game, getting really good at it until I’d reached the highest level. Then I absolutely couldn’t wait until the next game was released. I found myself frustrated by the wait for each game release. Then after the new game arrived, I would immerse myself in the game and lose track of time by playing for hours on end.
The anticipation for the new game, the thrill when the new release came out, the excitement of trying to reach the highest level; all this provided the excitement I thought was missing in my life at the time.

Question 1. Have you had an experience like this? Or maybe you are experiencing this currently. Please share:

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