Lesson 21 Rescued to Become Adopted Into God’s Family

Questions 4 and 5

The enemy came and captured everything precious to David; they kidnapped his entire family and took all his belongings.
Can you see in your mind's eye the enemy here? The Amalekites who had taken David’s family and belongings? They’re partying, right? Eating, drinking, dancing, and enjoying their plunder!
And then here comes David! And it’s at night that David makes his bold and dramatic rescue. He recovers each and every member of his family, all of his possessions and every single thing that the enemy had taken. It was a thorough rescue, a complete restoration!
Friend, Satan is like the Amalekites and we are like David’s family:
The devil had kidnapped us, taken us away from God and was celebrating his victory because of all the loot he had stolen.
When we were in bondage to media addiction the enemy was partying! Having a celebration because that’s just one more person he added to his collection.
In my case, I was just sitting around all day with my head in media and my mind taken up in a fantasy world. How about you?
But Jesus had a plan for rescuing us: the cross:

At the cross Satan was defeated and all Jesus’ family was recovered!

When we are caught in sin traps, we’ve only to apply the power of the cross to our situation to experience the rescue that Jesus has secured for us.

Colossians 2:14-15 NLT  He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross.  (15)  In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross.
Do you see that statement in 1 Samuel 30 verse 20? “This plunder belongs to David!” Well, it could be said of you, friend: “this plunder belongs to Jesus!” At the cross, Jesus rescued you, redeemed you, took you back for Himself. You belong to Jesus!

Question 4. Are you beginning to see the gospel is the central focus in every story in the Bible? Do you agree that the gospel is the key that will unlock every passage you read? Please share your thoughts here:

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Question 5. Please take a moment and let us know how you are doing presently. Is the gospel of Jesus Christ making changes in your life? If so please share:

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.
Charlene writes, "Yes it surely is. I am in the area where Hurricane Harvey is and while I could be having a glass of wine and watching my favorite shows, I would rather focus on the Lord and His Word. It is because of Him that I have such peace in the midst of a category 4 hurricane! Hallelujah!"
Media Addiction