Lesson 9 Technology

Questions 4 and 5

Once you are released from training, you will be in control of how many students you take. Keep in mind that some will sign up but not start the course, while others will start and do a lesson or two but not continue. Others will get halfway through and stop.
Students receive friendly encouragement to continue after three days of being inactive. After seven days of inactivity, they are reminded again. You, as the mentor, will receive a copy of these notifications when they are sent to your student. If, after 10 days of inactivity, you have not heard from the student or they have not continued on, you will receive a notification alerting you to the inactive student. You should then remove the student from your mentor dashboard and take on a new student. Here is a video showing how to remove a student from your dashboard:
This ensures that you will not have inactive students taking up space on your mentor dashboard, but instead, you’ll be actively working with those students who are engaged. The student will not be kicked out of the course; they will be free to return when they are ready, but you just won’t be sitting around waiting for them.
Mentors can put themselves on and off rotation for receiving students. The way you do this is to choose how many students you would like and input that number on your mentor dashboard.

Question 4. Do you understand how to remove inactive students and how to receive more students? Do you have any questions about this process?

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.
Also, as a mentor, you may adopt students from the “Active Students Needing Mentors” list as students drop out and you remove them from your dashboard. Don't be discouraged when some drop out; keep praying for them, and in the meantime, go and replace them. This way, you'll always have one or two who are truly seeking the Lord, seeing the gospel, and finding freedom amidst all those who drop out.
Mentors who have students assigned to them will receive a notification through email. You should set up your mentor dashboard with a "welcome email" to the student for each course in which you mentor, so that it says what you want, letting your students know you are available to pray for them or help in any way.
Mentors will receive a notification when a student submits a lesson in two ways:
  1. Through email
  2. Through a notification on the website
The email notification of a student’s lesson submission will contain a link that will take the mentor directly to the page where the mentor can read the answers the student submitted and then write out a response to the student.
Mentors may click on the emailed link and come to the website to answer, or you may also refresh your mentor dashboard and see a list of lessons needing feedback on your Mentor Dashboard. All lesson submissions and mentor responses are stored on the website and will be available for review by the student, the mentor, and the administrative staff. This provides greater accountability and transparency for the ministry and the mentor.
Here is a short video explaining how to respond to student lessons as a mentor in training.

Question 5. Do you understand what was taught in these videos? Do you have any questions about this technology or how to use it?

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.

Mentorship Course