Lesson 1: Heart Change

Testimony and Question 9

Testimonies of Freedom

Throughout this course, you'll have the opportunity to read and watch video testimonies from others who have completed this course and found freedom through the power of the gospel. I pray that you will be as encouraged and inspired by these testimonies as I am.

Pastor Ken's Testimony

Pastor Ken writes,
I find the principles taught at Setting Captives Free Purity Bootcamp to be much more than helpful. I find them to be essential. Obligatory, empowering, liberating, sanctifying, and God-honoring, too. The Lord has changed and reinforced more things in my life in the last 30 days than I can list here. But here are three highlights: 1) I’ve recognized better than ever that the cross is not just a significant signpost on my life journey. It is my daily center. It is my lifelong destination. Philippians 3:8-11 means more to me now than ever before. 2) Besides sexual temptation, I struggle daily with bitterness and depression. Some days they almost consume me, and no spiritual “pep talk” is effective for very long. But washing at the cross, walking in the Spirit, and warring against the flesh, by God’s grace, are sufficient so that even amid these trials, I am more than a conqueror through Him who loved me! 3) I have a renewed love for my wife and awareness of my responsibility to love her as Christ loves the church. I am fulfilling some aspects of that responsibility for the first time in 30 years. I only pray that the Lord be gracious to restore the years that the locusts have eaten. I am so grateful that this program did not emphasize sobriety contracts, counting days of sobriety, or delving into all of the details of our sins. Instead, it took us right to the cross and kept us looking there for 30 days. I would never have realized these three highlights if the study had been based on recovery principles instead of redemption. Praise the Lord for His wonderful mercy to us through the cross! I recommend this course! As someone who did the support groups, sobriety contracts, and counting days for years, nothing compares to washing daily at the cross, walking in the Spirit, and warring against the flesh. This study points to a more effective way to deal with sexual sin.

Question 9. What are your thoughts about Pastor Ken's testimony? Please share.

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