Lesson 9: Fighting in the Shadow of the Cross
Testimonies of Freedom
Paul's Testimony
Completing the thirty lessons in Setting Captives Free Purity Boot Camp course has been an encouraging journey for me. Before I started, I had been battling in the area of sexual impurity (pornography) for many years.
I was keeping my struggles a secret in hopes that I would manage to overcome this weakness on my own. I wrongly believed that if no one knew about it, it would not affect anyone else around me. However, it became apparent that my secret sin was increasingly affecting my family, my marriage, and my relationship with God.
This course has helped me to shift my focus away from my struggles with sexual impurity, my failures in battling the flesh in my own strength and the associated feelings of shame and guilt; and instead, to look to Jesus and Him crucified. The single most valuable thing I learned is to come to the cross daily, contemplate its significance and meditate on what Jesus accomplished on that cross, and then allow it to touch my heart. I wash in at the cross repeatedly now. I'm learning to walk by the Holy Spirit (in intimacy with Him), and now I fight the flesh from the position of Jesus' victory (in the shadow of the cross).
It has been my experience these past 30 days that the more time I invest in developing my intimate relationship with Jesus, the less I get distracted by the wicked desires of my flesh and sexual temptations, and the less likely those desires and temptations will overpower me. It is as if my flesh and sexual sin have lost their grip on me.
I was greatly encouraged by the wise counsel of a mentor, who gave me excellent feedback every day and proved a powerful and prayerful ally in this battle against impurity. I am eternally grateful for his time.
My wife and I still have a long way to go to restore our broken relationship and redevelop intimacy in our marriage, but we've made progress.
I am confident that Jesus Christ has begun a good work in me, and He is faithful to complete it. He has taken me on a journey to restore my moral integrity, faithfulness, and trustworthiness. That may well prove to be a journey of a lifetime, but it is worth every breath that I take. To Him, I give all the glory and praise forever.
I wholeheartedly recommend this course to anyone who is battling in the area of sexual impurity. No other program, counseling, or therapy will help you like this course will (as it has been helping me). This course continuously points people to Jesus and the cross, which is where our true help comes from to overcome and receive our deliverance.