Lesson 16: God’s Spirit and Our Unredeemed Flesh

Question 5

Crying, “Abba! Father!”

Friend, in turning from a lifestyle of gratifying our flesh (Romans 8:5-11) we experience this precious work of the Spirit. He leads us away from self-gratifying and into such intimacy with the Father that we can call Him by a very intimate name.
Jesus opened up the way to the Father so that we can hear Him speaking words of love, comfort, and acceptance to us; and His Spirit in us cries out in joyful response “Daddy!”. What God the Father said to Jesus, we hear Him say to us who are in Christ, “This is my son (or daughter) whom I love, with him (or her) I am well pleased!”

Hand in Hand

Yes, according to Romans 7, the believer has a real struggle with his/her flesh, but the Spirit of God sets us free. As we walk by the Spirit and keep in step with Him by turning from self-gratification, we enjoy His ministry to our hearts.
What we have seen today is the work of the Son: “there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1), and the work of the Spirit: “setting you free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:2). These two always go hand in hand when we believe Christ and trust in Him.

Question 5. Please consider your life for just a moment: are the Word of God and the Spirit of God making changes in you? Please share.

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Matthew writes:
In the last sixteen day's a remarkable and life changing power is transforming my life. (So thankful to the ministry of setting captives free) A power greater then anything I have ever experienced in my life is actively transforming me into a new creation in Christ Jesus. The strong pull of the flesh is loosing its grip on me, As I saturate my mind in the Word of God enlightened by the Holy spirit - porn looses its power and attractiveness. I am taking the focus of my eyes off my shoelaces, I am taking the focus off my eyes from looking within. I am taking the focus off my eyes from looking around. I am taking the focus off my eye's off lust/pornography. I am focusing on the Cross. I am looking upwards continually, day by day. My heart, mind, emotions want to stay at the cross, The fountain of all life, of all cleansing, of all hope, of all unconditional love. At the Cross I am safe - temptations loose their power. The Word of God is once more becoming fresh and relevant to me in a new invigorating powerful manner. I am learning to be appreciative of the indwelling and the ministry of the Holy spirit within me. As I walk, talk, work, whatever I am involved in during the day. I hear the Spirit of God - the Holy spirit speak into my heart, It's not audible, it's within if that makes sense. Deep within my spirit. But it is powerful - as it speaks with authority, with tenderness, with gentleness, it is Christ in me - the hope of glory. Bringing God's Word and making it alive within me. In my all consuming sin - in my lust - in my addiction to pornography I had hardened my heart by the deceitfulness of sin living within me. Even though at time's I would sense the conviction of the Holy spirit regarding the gratification of my sinful flesh within, I would confess my sin, repent of it, forsake it and then commit it all over again. I was in a very dangerous situation. I was fearful as the intensity of the addiction was taking over me completely. The enemy wished this sin living within me to destroy me completely. We both know Mike that we are never ever satisfied with one picture - we may begin with soft porn - but that only satisfies for so long. The uncontrolled intense desire craves more and more and more, and the more filthy the more satisfying to the flesh. It's likened to a ravaging wolf within that is never never satisfied. It demands more and more - until every waking thought is consumed by this screaming to be satisfied. I was loosing my identity in Christ. My identity was in my slavery to my sin. A lie from the pit - but a lie that can be believed. Once believed your life takes a downward direction. But ! there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1), and the work of the Spirit: “setting you free from the law of sin and death” I have been plagued by guilt for sins that have been forgiven for many many year's Kept in a prison of ignorance to the liberating truth of God's Word the Bible. This I understand now is a ploy of the enemy to discourage me from obeying the Lord and enjoying the abundant life He has for me. This is why I must always remember that as a believer, my sin is completely forgiven (Ps. 103:12). The only One who has a right to judge me is Jesus Christ, who has given His life to justify me (Rom. 5:1, 2; 8:33, 34). He will not condemn me as I believe (John 3:16–18). Father Thank you for bootcamp For the evident change that is taking place within my heart, I never thought that I would know such freedom in Christ. A freedom to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Thank you Father for the work you have begun in me. Thank you Father that you will bring it to completion. Thank you for Mike & Jody, for their ministry of setting captives free. Bless and encourage them daily as this is a most important ministry to the crushed and broken hearted, In Jesus precious name Amen
Purity Bootcamp