Lesson 1: Come Home to Jesus (Ruth 1:1-7)

Questions 6, 7, and 8

Question 6: When we are having struggles, where does God call us to stay? (7:10 mark in the video)

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Question 7: What false saviors, comforts, or idols are in your life at the moment? Have you left ‘Moab’ and come home to ‘Bethlehem,’ to Jesus, the Bread of Life? (8:57 mark in the video)

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Question 8: At the cross we see God in Christ, reconciling you to Himself, not counting your sins against you but against His own Son. Jesus who knew no sin was made sin for you that you might become the righteousness of God in Him (2 Corinthians 5:21). As you reflect on this gospel message, how does this affect your heart? (12:07 mark in the video)

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