Lesson 2: The Cross Brings Outsiders In

Questions 4 and 5

Rahab was a “Gentile”--those who were separate from God, not chosen, excluded from citizenship in Israel, foreigners to the covenant, not heirs to the promises of God, without hope and without God in the world. But she was saved by grace through faith, brought near by God through the use of a scarlet cord, made part of God’s family, and put in the line of Christ.
Likewise, you and I were born far from God, separated from Him by our sins. We were “foreigners”, outsiders to God and His people, and therefore without hope and without God in the world. This is the way we were born.
But notice the power of this verse: “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ” (Ephesians 2:13). We were far away in our sins, then Jesus Christ went to the cross and shed His blood to pay for them. He died in our place, and His scarlet blood saved our lives and brought us near to God, put us in His kingdom, made us part of His family, gave us an eternal inheritance and put us in the genealogy of Jesus Christ.
Look now at Jesus Christ hanging on the cross. See Him saving your life at the loss of His own. See Him bringing you near to God by Himself being put at a distance to God. See Him giving you an inheritance by giving up His own. See Him dying to give you life.

Question 4. What thoughts do you have about the work of Jesus Christ for you on the cross?

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Amanda writes, "Just trying to imagine the pain and suffering He went through is so humbling. The Bible says you couldn't even tell He was a man. Makes me think of a package of ground beef with blood in it. I once had to have blood drawn and the nurse couldn't find my vein, the more she poked the more it hurt, before I knew I had passed out! I couldn't imagine the pain the Lord went through before being crucified and yet He reviled not. He threatened not. It's just so amazing what an amazing God we serve! Oh, the thought that He did it for me and I am brought near to Him through His suffering."
Mike L. writes, "To think that the creator of the universe thought of me before Himself is mind boggling, it is so unlike this world where you are expected to pay for everything. The mountain of sin debt that I have been forgiven is love in it's purest form, never have I been shown such love, grace and mercy  before. Jesus is so loving, kind and gentle, He sees our weaknesses and longs to help us through those weaknesses, what an amazing God we serve. Thank you my Lord Jesus for going to the cross and dying for me, I love you so much that words just can't express."
As you go about your day, I encourage you to think about the “scarlet cord” that was used to save Rahab’s life. Consider how she was brought into the family of God and given an inheritance among God’s people. Then think about how you, too, were an outsider to God, separated from Him because of your sins, but how you’ve now been saved by the blood of Jesus and brought near to God and given an eternal inheritance.

Question 5. Did you see the picture of the gospel today? Was your faith built up in seeing Jesus? Please share here:

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Kelly writes, "Once again my faith has been built up from seeing Jesus, seeing the Gospel in a fresh new way in this old story of Rahab. My heart is bubbling over as I'm being loved with the Gospel in this faith building lesson."
Mike L. writes, "Yes I surely did see the gospel and my faith has definitely been built up. Seeing Jesus dying on the cross, as gruesome as a scene that it is always builds my faith, I mean the love that was poured out for me there is always overwhelming!!"
Karen writes, "Yes, I see the gospel all over these scriptures.  It is amazing how studying the Gospel and scriptures that point to it, do build my faith, giving me hope, peace, joy and gratitude for all that I have in Christ!"
Amanda writes, "Yes, I saw the Gospel in today's lesson. Praise Him for His redemption and acceptance. My faith has been built and I am thankful for the "food for thought" to feast on through out the day."
Faith Building Studies