Lesson 3: The Cross Makes a Way
Question 2
The Israelites were 40 years wandering in the wilderness, and at this point in the narrative, their children have been raised up as the new generation bound for the Promised Land, and they’ve come to the Jordan River. Problem: the Jordan is at flood stage, it’s totally impassable. Joshua 2:15 says, “now the Jordan overflows all its banks throughout the time of harvest”. They can’t get through.
Our sin can seem like it “overflows its banks” at times, and like it prevents us from going in to the promised land and taking our inheritance.
Watch now, as God calls the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant to step into the water and see how God parts the water, so that according to Joshua 3:17, “all Israel was passing over on dry ground until all the nation finished passing over the Jordan.” Notice they didn’t pass over on muddy ground, or in shallow water, no God provided completely dry ground in the middle of a flooded river. It was a miracle.
Friend, God can completely dry up your waters of sin. What was previously a flood in your life can become completely dry ground. And you can move past it to freedom and victory. God can do a miracle in your life: He is able to make a way where there seems to be no way.
And when He does this for you, you’ll have a testimony of the power of God, of the work of the Holy Spirit. You’ll tell others how God took you out of the wilderness of sin and brought you to Himself and gave you victory and rest in the promised land.
Question 2. According to Joshua 4:4-7, how many men were chosen for a special task, and what were they to do?
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Kelly writes, "There were 12 men chosen, 12 for each, tribe. Just as there were 12 apostles chosen. I'm amazed that not even the smallest details is arbitrary. Everything points to the grand event of human history, the day God died on the Cross!"