Notice from Hebrews 10:20:
“We are completely free”: we are not hindered by our sin anymore, no, through Jesus’ death we are free from it all! The Jordan has parted! The way is open!
“To enter the Most Holy Place”: we can march right into God’s presence; there is nothing between us and Him. Jesus went to the cross and dried up all our sin.
“Without fear”: oh friend, take your promised land! Take it with courage. Go boldly. Fearlessly. Jesus has died for you, He has shed His own blood for you. Enter in!
“Because of the blood of Jesus’ death”: try to get there by your own works and you’ll be afraid. Try to enter by being religious and your river of sin will still be raging in a flood. But, oh, look at Jesus beaten to within an inch of His life, see His suffering love, watch Him pour out tears and blood, see Him exhale His last breath knowing He suffered capital punishment for you.
And, as you see Him at the cross, you’ll be given a holy boldness “because of the blood of Jesus’ death.” All fear will fly right out the window as you sit in the shadow of the cross, and you’ll get up and run right through what was previously floodwaters, as if they were a paved highway! “Because of the blood of Jesus’ death” you’ll cross the Jordan and enter the promised land like you belong because you do!
Because of the blood of Jesus’ death you’ll have victory on every side. Jericho’s walled city of lust will fall by a miracle. The Greed of AI will be burned by gospel strategy. The deception of Gibeon will surrender to you. You’ll put your feet on the necks of 5 kings at once! Victory, victory, victory!
The cross parted the Jordan. The death of Jesus means life for you. His apparent defeat means your real victory. His wounds bring your healing. His punishment bought your pardon and peace. His death gives you life. Cross that Jordan on dry ground, confidently, boldly, fearlessly, courageously and enter in and take possession and find rest. All in Jesus’ name, and “because of the blood of Jesus’ death!”
Please take a moment and just worship our crucified and risen Savior through this song:
As you go about your day, think about this story in Joshua 3 and 4. Think of the miracle God performed by opening up a path through the Jordan, then choosing 12 men to build a memorial to the miracle. And then remember the cross, where Jesus opened up the path for you to God, and chose 12 men to convey that message to the world.
Question 4. Did you see the picture of the gospel today? Was your faith built up in seeing Jesus? Please share here:
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Karen writes, "Oh yes, this study is all about the gospel! Yes, my faith has been built up. I cannot say enough how grateful I am to SCF. There are so few studies I have found that are completely gospel focused and focus on victory and freedom. I feel with every lesson as I study the whole Bible focus on Jesus and the Cross, that I find more and more peace and freedom and when I sin, I quickly repent. This lesson spoke to my heart in a time when I needed to apply the love of Jesus to my heart and thoughts and give it all to Him. This song is so beautiful. Jesus made a way for us as He did with the ark. His way is incredible!"
Mike L. writes, "Yes I saw the gospel today in lesson, Jesus has literally performed a miracle in my life through the gospel to come from where I was to where I am now. Thank You my blessed saviour. My faith has increased, Jesus has given me everything I need to deal with the many sins in life and I am so thankful that even though I will still sin I don't have to feel condemned, or live in fear ever again.The Law could never change my life but the Gospel of love sure did!! So interesting what Bill wrote below, I really appreciate his perspective."
Kelly writes, "Wow, I didnt expect to be so blessed by this song. It is so fitting in light of the lesson today. I love how the chorus says " No wonder we call You saviour, You made a way" Beautiful! In deed He made a way for us to escape our sins, our guilt, our condemnation and even my fears. He not only made a way He became the Way; Hebrews 10:20 20 by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh,"
Finally, I wanted to share with you a comment from Bill Miller, one of the board members of Setting Captives Free:
Bill writes, "It is interesting that the ark of the covenant (which represented God’s presences with His people), went first into the Jordan river to open the way into the promised land. Then as an act of faith, the people crossed the dry river bottom to the other side into the promised land. However, they were to keep their distant from the ark according to Joshua 3:4 (2000 cubits = 3000 feet = .57 miles = .9 K) Which means God created a large wide path of dry ground. And as they crossed that dry river bottom they could look over and see the ark of the covenant and the heaped up water of the Jordan as the back drop.
Jesus had to go before us to open the way into heaven. Jesus was able to open the way by standing in the presence of the river of sin and dry it up by His blood shed on the Cross, and by faith we walk, believing that what was accomplished at the Cross allows us into the promised land. We look at the Cross and see our sins heaped upon Jesus as the back drop."