Please watch the video and answer the following questions.
Question 1 at the 06:45 mark in the video: According to Romans 6:18, all people are what?
Question 2 at 10:10 mark in the video: What do you see in Romans 6:11-14 that teaches us how to be free from sin?
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Mike B. writes, "We count (consider/believe) ourselves dead to sin, offer every part of yourself to God. We see God as our master. We see that Jesus separated us (made us dead) from sin. Sin's penalty has been paid. Sin's POWER has been broken. Accept this, live in light of it, count ourselves dead to sin."
Joe writes, "It starts with realizing that in Christ we are dead to sin. We must "reckon" (KJV) ourselves dead to sin. That word is an accounting term which means "to take into account." When it says reckon yourselves dead indeed unto sin, it is saying, "It is true. Adjust your books to take it into account." If money has gone out or come in, ignoring it and not adjusting the books to reckon it, does not negate the fact that it is true.
With that fact established, taken into account, we can move on to what it means for us to "reckon ourselves dead indeed unto sin." Now we can present ourselves alive unto God because death frees us from our old slave master, sin. Sin no longer has dominion over us. It can no longer enslave us, control us, and push us around. We can be free from sin!"
Question 3 at the 19:28 mark in the video: Romans 6:11 says to count ourselves dead to sin. How do we know if we are counting ourselves dead to sin?
Question 4 at 25:20 mark in the video: According to Romans 6:12, where does sin want to reign?
Question 5 at the 30-minute mark in the video: Romans 6:13 says "Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God..." So, when we are tempted we should yield.
Question 6 at the 35:35 mark in the video: What was the motivation for the slave to become a bondservant?
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Question 7 at the 45:45 mark in the video: Why does Romans 6:14 tell us that sin is no longer our master?
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Franklin writes, "We've been loved out of sin, bought at a price. Sin is not my master, we are under grace not sin or law."
Mike B. writes, "I have a new master. Sin is not my master anymore, I don't have to listen to him/follow him. It won't be our master because of grace. I am no longer under law with its punishments. I am under grace and he took our punishment. Grace is power, not just a pardon. Grace saves us from sin, it also gives us the power to overcome sin."
Question 8 at the 54:48 mark in the video: Where are you presently at with yielding?
Question 9 What are your final thoughts about this class on being set free? Was this beneficial to you? Would you like to attend a live course? Please share your final thoughts:
Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.
Marni writes, "It has been so beneficial to me. It finally clicked. I can’t believe that I am finally free. It’s been so many years that I have cried out to God to break the chains. I didn’t realize the answer was there all along. I just had to believe it. Why this has never clicked before I don’t know. I am just grateful that it has. And, yes, I would love to do a live course if granted the opportunity."
Franklin writes, "Yes I'd like to participate, its a great idea to do more of this!"
Christy writes, "I would love to attend a live course. I would love the lessons to be longer. I want more!"
Elaine writes, "As I’ve taken on studying Faith, Grace and hope this year, this lesson has been very good for me. My heart has been moved and pierced again and again with each of these lessons. I've been able to apply several things that have been discussed in this series. It’s helping me be a stronger and more attentive leader with the women I’m blessed to oversee and as well for myself as I struggle with beating myself up over my shortcomings."
Mike B. writes, "I found the course beneficial, I wish it would have been live. So yes, I would like to attend a live course."
To view the Google slides with speaker notes for this session click here.