Lesson 7: Warring Against the Flesh: Putting to Death the Misdeeds of the Body
Testimony and Question 6
Shanna writes, "This course has taught me to wash at the cross. I had never done it before or even heard of it. I see now that I have a lot of maturing to do in my faith and I'm excited for the journey ahead. I have learned to look at the cross and take in all of the blood, the torture, the pain and suffering, the mockery and rejection that was meant for me. But instead I see Christ there in my place because of his love for me. I have seen the unmistakable value in coming to the cross daily. It is my goal to become a person that is so focused on Heaven that I can't get too busy or too distracted that I forget to spend time at the cross daily and in God's Word. At the cross and through his Word, Jesus speaks to me, he opens my eyes and softens my heart.
I have learned that walking with the Spirit means so much more than choosing what I know is right. It's walking and talking with my best friend. The one person that understands me, that won't judge me, that I can be completely open and honest with. And he'll encourage me, cheer me on, and give me helpful guidance and Truth, all with the intent to bring me into the arms of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.
I think the trickiest part has been warring against the flesh because I'm having to learn to follow God's Battle Plan and not fight with my worldly wisdom. God's ways are not my ways and sometimes his methods and timing don't make sense to me. Sometimes I think I could get there faster if I just did XYZ. But then I remind myself, the victory is already his, he's got this, he knows what he's doing far better than I do. I trust Him completely, if he's not asking me to fight, it's because he's giving me the rest I need or sometimes it's time for growth and strengthening. And I'm grateful to a God that will do that for me. I can't wait to see his Victory when it is revealed to me. I know it's going to be magnificent!
God has given me a Battle Plan. And he's so amazing in how personal his plan is, how perfectly tailored it is to me. Most days I follow the 16/8 fast but there have been days where I change the hours a little, some days where I've skipped 2 meals instead of 1, and on weekends I eat meals with my family with no fasting. I find myself wanting more fruits and veggies, less sodas, and choosing to eat less overall. And these are just choices that I make because I want to honor Him; not because some diet told me "eat this/don't eat that". I like routine, but I'm having to learn to be flexible because both exercise and "loving on others" are important, but they don't always fit within a regular routine schedule. This is where it is especially nice to know it's all in God's hands, it's not up to me to squeeze it all in or feel guilty for not getting to something. He gives me what I need and I trust in his provision.
I honestly didn't think I was losing much weight. I saw all the wisdom and understanding that I was gaining as my "win". I learned that Jesus left the 99 to seek me; I am important and loved, not just a face in the crowd. I learned that I am a new creation, I'm not who I was. These things have helped me see myself from a new perspective. I no longer hate myself and think I'm a loser that can't do anything right. I have great worth and great value and I have a new best friend in the Holy Spirit. But, that being said, I was very pleasantly shocked this morning to weigh myself and find that I lost 12.5 lbs. while completing these two courses. And unlike diets, I'm not screaming on the inside just wanting to run away. Instead, I'm wanting to run further into the arms of the one who has blessed me so much! I feel as long as I keep my eyes focused on the cross, on my Lord and Savior, then I will have all that I need to continue this battle... for I do have a long road to walk but that's just more time walk and talk with my bestie...who wouldn't rejoice in that?
I have noticed some of my clothes fit a little better and I have lost 12.5 lbs. during these two courses. I've enjoyed moving my body more. My "highlight" moment was the day I went outside and played baseball with my family. I ran the bases and everything. I was sore the next day, but I can't wait to do it again!
This course was the answer I was looking for. God has worked through Mike Cleveland and Setting Captives Free to bring me back into relationship with him, to show me what he's been offering me all along, which is everything I ever needed. I am NOT an addict, chained for all eternity! The world has answers that look right in our eyes but they're not Truth and they're God's plan for us. I've already been set free and now I'm learning how to walk in that freedom trusting in God to provide all my needs and looking forward to seeing His victory.
Question 8. What are your thoughts on Shanna's testimony? Please share.
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