Lesson 11: Walking by the Spirit: Freedom From the Flesh

Testimony and Question 7

Irene writes, “Through the Weight Loss courses at Setting Captives Free, I am growing in love, learning the truth of God’s plan for His people and ME. I have learned most importantly that although I am saved FROM death and now will have eternity with Jesus, although I am called TO something greater, there is SO MUCH MORE to God’s love for me.
These courses have helped me see the truth more fully of how I can LIVE in freedom from the slavery of sin. It’s not about the weight, the scale, the programs, the world’s lies of beauty. I have consistently [not perfectly] applied the truths of washing at the cross [repenting, seeing Jesus’ love for me, being clean as His blood transforms from His red to my white], walking with and by the Holy Spirit [understanding the fullness and power, which points me back to Jesus] and warring with the flesh. My favorite verse in all of this is Romans 8:13 which states so clearly that indulging the flesh leads to death, but that by the power of the Holy Spirit, I can put to DEATH the misdeeds of the flesh and have life. I have walked closely with God for over 30 years, but these truths are revolutionary to me. I have lost weight. I had to get clothes altered and buy a few things in smaller sizes. I have probably lost 15# and am at a healthy weight and probably weigh what I weighed in high school. I was/am healthy otherwise, so I just feel terrific. My husband is delighted and is asking a lot of questions about the course. The battle plan has been an ongoing learning process and journey. Sometimes I don’t specifically hear from God, but the overall plan since the VERY FIRST DAY has been to eat the first [and maybe only meal] when I am hungry and look to my schedule for that day. So, some/most days I only eat one meal a day which I thoroughly enjoy, and sometimes a small snack. I have had some small setbacks and some days where I am discouraged but probably total only 5-8 days over the whole course. I love the pleasant feeling of my stomach growling. I loved the lessons about suffering and that I identify with Christ, even in this small way, by ‘suffering’ in hunger. I love that when I don’t turn to food for comfort, it gives Jesus the opportunity to comfort me.
I have probably lost #15 lbs. I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and was at a VERY healthy weight! My clothes fit much better. I feel great mentally and spiritually along with feeling better physically. I have had to have some clothes altered!
I recommend this course. This course is FREEDOM expressed through the love of God and applies to ALL areas of our lives. Quit searching and run right to the cross and into the arms of God, who is waiting for you.”

Question 7. What are your thoughts about Irene's testimony? Please share.

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