Father in Heaven, this has been an encouraging study in your word today. I have been reminded that the blood of Jesus covered over my sin and that I am forgiven. I am righteous, not through my efforts and works, but through Christ’s blood and righteousness. I see this truth was taught and illustrated by both Abraham and David. You declared Abraham righteous when He believed Your Word concerning his descendent (Jesus) blessing all nations on earth. And you declare me righteous when I believe your word about Jesus, that He took my curse on the cross and purchased my eternal blessing. You declared David to be forgiven apart from his works or law-keeping. By faith, he enjoyed the knowledge that his sin was covered. And You have covered my sin too. I am now a blessed man like David. Lord, my faith has been renewed today, and my heart has been revitalized, for I have seen once again that it is not what I do that makes me righteous, but rather it is what Jesus did. Please help me to treasure this truth in my heart today, cause me to burn with passion over the sight of Jesus dying with my sins on Him, under your curse and wrath, that I might be forgiven and declared righteous apart from works or law-keeping. Enable me to live out my faith today: help me to turn from overeating with a passion. Help me to exercise and eat according to the battle plan you’ve given me. Oh, Lord, please help me to share this truth with my wife today and with anyone else you might bring along my path. In Jesus’ name, I ask, amen.
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