Lesson 5: Walking by the Spirit: Motivation

Questions 4 and 5

But in coming to the cross and seeing our suffering Savior, our old, selfish, faltering motivations are washed away! The love of Christ begins to compel, control, and motivate us to live for Him who died for us. As we walk by the Spirit, He enables us to live for Jesus, and to glorify God in the process: “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (NLT)
Now think for a minute about the power of this truth: since our real motivation, our “why” of doing anything, is the real “power” behind us either continuing with something or stopping it, we now have a powerful motivation for losing weight: the love of Jesus!
Think of how this can play out in our everyday lives: when I eat food, I want to glorify God, both with what I eat and how much of it, because Jesus loved me to death and back. I want to follow the plan that God gives me each day, the plan that is specific to my situation, because Jesus sacrificed Himself in my place out of love, making atonement for my sin and setting me free. If this motivation is strong enough in me, it can guide me in selecting food that nourishes my body and following my God-given plan. If this motivation to glorify God burns strong in me, it will keep me pressing on, guide my decisions, and work powerfully in me throughout my life.
Finally, we’ve found a motivation that is stronger than our flesh! Finally, we’ve discovered an eternal motivation!
Please watch the following video. Notice the transformative power of sacrificial love in the life of the “addict” on the train.

Question 4. What does this video teach you? Please share.

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As you walk by the Spirit more and more, you will find the love of Jesus burning in your heart more and more! The motivation to live for Him who died for you will begin to overwhelm the desires of your flesh!

Question 5. When it comes to losing weight, why do you think our motivation is so important?

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Weight Loss Follow-Up