Lesson 14: Warring Against the Flesh: Casting Down Imaginations

Questions 5 and 6

Yes, God has given us divine weapons that are “mighty through God,” and that enables us to pull down all strongholds, cast down every imagination, and bring every thought into captivity.
God has given us believers His Word and His Spirit, both of which are divine and enable us to “partake of the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:3-4) and thereby “escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”
But how do we do this?
Notice 2 Corinthians 10:5 again: “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God.”

Question 5. According to 2 Corinthians 10:5 against what do our imaginations exalt themselves? “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the .”

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The purpose Satan has in stirring up thought-strongholds in our minds, and inspiring food images in our imaginations is to trample on our “knowledge of God.” Satan wants those tempting images and cravings to be so sharp, so vivid, and so clear that we forget God and His Word.
The good news for us is that the gospel of Jesus Christ, which leads us to the knowledge of God, is the power of God (Romans 1:16-17), which is mightier than Satan (1 John 4:4). Satan wants to set up images in our minds that destroy our knowledge of God, but he is up against the gospel, that divine weapon that is mighty through God.
The cross of Jesus Christ will drag those thought-strongholds down to the ground and trample all over them. The cross of Jesus Christ will cast down every evil thought-picture we have and plant itself right in the middle of our minds as the victory flag! The resurrection power of Jesus will enable us to smash in pieces every thought of our imagination and raise us up together with Him, higher than any “lofty imagination” we might ever have.
Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! This victory comes at the cross (Colossians 2:15). Our victory comes through the gospel.
Pastor John Gill says: “every proud thought of the heart, every great swelling word of vanity, every big look, even all the lofty looks and haughtiness of men, with every airy flight, and high towering imagination, reasoning, and argument advanced against the Gospel of Christ; which is here meant by the knowledge of God, and so called, because it is the means of leading souls into the knowledge of God.”
Notice that “the gospel of Christ” is “the knowledge of God.” And so our role is to study the message of the cross, to see Jesus' wounded for our transgressions and bleeding to atone for our sins, to see Him wearing a crown of thorns and becoming a curse that we might be blessed by God, to see Him rising from the dead in great power, and ourselves rising with Him, for in so doing we are growing in that very power that can demolish demonic strongholds in our minds.
Oh, friend, those lofty images you have that are so clear and vivid, that are a library in your mind of food pictures, have met their match at the cross. Do you want to start finding freedom from these images? Then take them to the cross, that weapon that is “mighty through God,” and see them being killed on Jesus’ tree and buried in Jesus’ tomb. You want your mind cleansed from these images? Kneel at the cross, and let the blood of Jesus wash them all away!
What happens is that at the cross, God sets up a different kind of thought-stronghold. At the cross, we see Jesus covered in our shame (Hebrews 12:2), bearing our sins in His own body on the tree (1 Peter 2:24), dying to free us from our sin and shame (Romans 8:2). And the more we come to the cross, the more clear and vivid the thought-stronghold becomes, and the more love we experience in our hearts, and the freer we become from sin. Are you starting to see that the cross is the place of victory?

Question 6. Why is it important to experience new thought strongholds at the cross?

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We can really learn a lot from Molly's answer to the above question:
"The old images and lies and deceptions become weak. When I have both images in my mind, a cheeseburger and french fries and Jesus hanging on the cross I just want to look away from the food. It hurts my heart to think that I would dwell on that image rather than on God. It corrects my thinking and helps my mind and my heart to meditate on what is good not what is evil."
Weight Loss Follow-Up