“And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.” 2 Corinthians 5:15 NIV.
Seeing the cross changes the way we live. We used to live selfishly, gratifying the lusts of our flesh whenever we had a thought to do so. Indulgent living describes my previous life as a “foodie,” always thinking about food, planning my day around it, picturing the delight of indulging in it to the point of excess.
But the good news is that God has made a way out for us who have lived lives of indulging our flesh. When we truly see the cross and its power for our daily life, our whole world is turned upside down. Friend, when you see that Jesus chose the crucifixion of His flesh rather than gratification out of love for you, that He chose to suffer on the cross rather than rescue Himself because He preferred to save you instead, it will transform your life. Jesus chose to die to Himself because of His heart’s love for you! These truths are so profound that they must affect how we live, taking us out of the selfish lifestyle and moving us toward ministering to others as Jesus did!
Seeing the cross of Christ affects the way we live and how we view other people.
Question 4. How does 2 Corinthians 5:16 NIV teach us that our view of other people is changed as we view the cross?
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As we see that “One died for all; therefore, all have died,” we begin to see other people in light of Christ’s finished work for them. We stop viewing them naturally, as sinners, always seeing their imperfections and faults.
As Jesus hung on the cross, His eyes looked out over the crowd assembled in front of Him, seeing the whole world represented in the faces before Him. He saw their need, and He loved them unto death!
As believers who are crucified with Christ, we now look at people entirely differently than we did before we went up on the cross with Jesus. We see them through the eyes of Christ, with the eyes of love, not viewing them naturally any longer. The cross changes how we see other people.
The cross changes our motivation, how we live, how we view other people. It changes everything about us.
Question 5. According to 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV, how do we see that the cross changes everything about us?
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Again, Wende's comments are highly instructive for us today. In answer to the above question she said:
"I know I have been crucified with Christ and that I no longer live but Christ lives in me, recreating me. I know this and have experienced it, but not this specifically before now. The phrase, "before we went up on the cross with Jesus" hits me and brings a new focus for me. Yes, I need to come to the cross daily and often, but I also need to see myself ON the cross for others, not to pay for their sins because I am unworthy of that sacrifice, but to live for the cause of Christ and to reflect Him."