The Cross is our Pivot Point

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By Bill Miller: Setting Captives Free Board Member
August 24, 2021
The Cross is our pivot point! It is Immutable!
Here is a video of Weekly Encouragement:
Grace, mercy, and peace be with you all.
What is a pivot point? It is the middle line, and the level off which everything else is calculated. The pivot point is the primary focus.
The board very much appreciates the surveys you filled out and how important your time in God’s word has been. You all (100%) indicated that you spend time in God’s word daily. The “national average” among churchgoers is around 20% in spending a daily time in the Bible.
Our time in God’s word cannot be underestimated. For it pleased the Lord to reveal Himself and to declare what His will is for each one of us. Our understanding of the Bible will establish and comfort us against all corruption of the flesh, the malice of Satan, and the world. This is the power of the Gospel that we find in the Bible.
Psalm 119:89 “Forever, O LORD, Your word is settled in heaven.” In the Greek Old Testament, the word for “word” is “logos.” This verse reminds me of the verses in John: In the beginning, was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God. And the Logos became flesh. (John 1:1-3,14) Jesus is settled in heaven. He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)
Jesus and the written Word of God are Immutable – they don’t change. When we look at the Bible, every word has been settled in heaven. God doesn’t change His mind about what is sin. He doesn’t change His mind about how we are to be saved. He doesn’t change His mind about how we are to live for His glory.
As we read and study The Bible – the Cross is the pivotal point of reference.
I can look back in the Old Testament from the Cross and see Jesus and the Gospel everywhere. (John 5:39) From the Cross, I can look at the New Testament and see Jesus and the Gospel. (1 Corinthians 2:2) There is only one message, “Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” said in hundreds of different ways of application. It is the power of the Gospel that changes lives.
In our lives – the Cross is the pivotal point of reference.
From the Cross, I can look back on my life as I see the sin that would lead to death and destruction. I was in bondage to sin unable to free myself. Then one day my eyes were opened and I saw all my sins were placed upon Jesus there at the Cross. (2 Corinthians 5:21) From the Cross, I can look at my life now and see the power of the Gospel working in and through me. (Galatians 2:20) I continue to wash, walk, and war by the Blood that was shed, and the hope found in the resurrection. I’m a new creature in Christ no longer under the Old Covenant law but under the Blood of the New Covenant. Now I am free to walk in the Spirit, in the light of God’s word, not fulfilling the lust of the flesh. Instead, I am learning to walk in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus. (Galatians 5:16-18)
This week, ask yourself: “Am I learning to see everything in my life and reading of the Bible through the lens of the Gospel? How is the Cross your pivot point that measures and evaluates your thinking?
In His Care for His Glory Bill
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