Weekly Encouragement

By Bill Miller: Setting Captives Free Board Member
August 24, 2021
The Cross is our pivot point! It is Immutable!
Here is a video of Weekly Encouragement: https://youtu.be/zFSuvz3QULk
Grace, mercy, and peace be with you all. ...
By Erick Hurt: Board Member Setting Captives Free
August 1, 2021
Dear fellow mentors,
Below is this week’s gospel encouragement to you.
Don’t swallow the watermelon seed or a watermelon will grow in your stomach, my parents said. Do you remember that? Where did that old wives’ tale come from anyway? I think our parents knew that it was unhealthy for our young digestive system to swallow them. ...
By Petrus Zijlstra: Setting Captives Free Board Member
July 25, 2021
Dear brothers and sisters,
These past two years have been a period of high and lows for me. On the one hand, God has deepened my faith by redirecting my attention to the cross and looking at Christ, how He suffered, bled and died. It has in many ways lifted up my heart and also redirected many of my ideas, thinking and likes and dislikes. On the other hand I have noticed that this does not mean struggles with sin are obsolete. In a strange way it almost seems that where faith in Christ is growing, sin and the devil are more than keen to step ...
By Bill Miller: Board Member Setting Captives Free
July 18, 2021
Greetings Dear Ones,
I have been teaching Psalm 119 at church and considering this Psalm as a template that Jesus might have used in His prayers. Therefore, I will "modify" the text to reflect it as though Jesus were praying.
You, Father, are My portion, O Father LORD; I have said that I would keep Your words. (58) I entreated Your favor with My whole heart; Be merciful to Me according to Your word. (59) I thought about My ways, And turned My feet to Your testimonies. (60) I made haste and did not delay To keep Your commandments. (Psalm 119:57-60 with ...
By Mike Cleveland: Board Member, Setting Captives Free
July 10, 2021
Dear brothers and sisters,
One of my favorite things to do is to dissect songs and study the Scripture to get at the theology they are proclaiming. I do this in my spare time as a devotion, simple worship of my God and Savior Jesus Christ.
I thought I would just share with you what I wrote out late the other night as I was filled with worship because I’d been meditating on the cross. Here it is, along with the song I was worshiping to, and a question at the ...