Lesson 2 Pathway to Healing

Questions 5 and 6

Yes, when we humble ourselves and seek the Lord, He exalts us at the proper time. I saw this happen in my marriage. As long as I was proud, angry, and accusing, my husband was prickly, defensive, and accusatory; but when I humbled myself before God and my husband, something began to change. My husband began to see that we were on the same side and working to help each other. We started to become a united front against the devil. In His amazing way, God began to lift us both up as He taught us how to focus on Jesus and the gospel.

Question 5. When desiring healing and restoration, what is the second thing we are called to do? Please fill in the blank. 1 Peter 5:7, “casting all your on him, because he ­­­­­­­ for you.”

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When I first discovered my husband’s sin, I was frightened and confused. My mind was consumed with coping with the present, and I had serious concerns about the future. I was anxious about where my husband was and what he was doing. I fretted when we were physically intimate, wondering if he was thinking about another person. I worried about our children and how they would be affected. It was horrible!
But Jesus taught me to bring my fears to Him. It took a lot of practice. Sometimes I would cast my cares on Christ only to reel them right back to myself, but eventually, I learned to leave my anxieties with Jesus. May God enable you to do this too.

Question 6. Do you have any anxieties that you need to cast on Jesus today? Please write them out here, and we will pray with you:

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A United Front