Lesson 20: The Cross Provides Victory and Freedom

Question 6

The death of Jesus Christ accomplished numerous things, as we have been studying all through these lessons. Two of these accomplishments were the destruction of the devil and the release of Satan's captives, as stated in Hebrews 2:14-15. These two things are pictured for us in the story of Samson; through Samson's death, he destroyed the enemy and released the Israelites from the tyranny of the Philistines. Through his death, He put the enemy to open shame and triumphed over them, pointing forward to the work that Jesus would do for us.
“And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.” Colossians 2:15 (NIV)
"And He must win the battle."
And Jesus did win the battle for us through His death. He triumphed over the enemy, put them to open shame, released captives, and brought victory to every child of God throughout the ages.

Question 6. Do you understand that by yourself you cannot win the battle over temptation, sin, the flesh, or the devil, but that Jesus Christ won the battle for you through the cross? Can you recall a time of striving in your own strength and losing, and then finding victory through Jesus Christ? Please share:

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Layla writes, "Yes! For years I've attempted to "rebuild" myself emotionally. I've tried self-help books, a counselor, looking to the world for role models, and nothing seemed to fill the enormous void that prevented me from experiencing real joy. When I finally stopped running and pledged my life to God in June 2002, everything changed for the better. Jesus has completely transformed me. He has removed doubt, fear, and self-confidence to fill me with his love and given me confidence in Him that is growing every day. There is no way I could have ever left my misery behind apart from Christ."
Kathy writes, "Without God, Himself, intervening in my life, I would have continued in horrible bondage, a slave to food and laziness. I was defeated and lapping up any new diet, any new "answer" the world offered. Then, in God's mercy, He brought me to Setting Captives Free, and I learned that Jesus not only saved me from the penalty of sin but also the power of sin in my life. I was helpless without His intervention. I have been set free by Christ Himself. I am no longer a glutton. He is also saving me from other areas of bondage in my life as well. He is making it real to me that when I am weak, then He is strong. His grace is sufficient for me."
The Cross Applied