As God is about to redeem His people, He wants them to know that they are going to restart their calendar year beginning with Passover. The Passover lamb would be slain, the people would leave Egypt, and this would be the beginning of their new life free from bondage.
What an amazing and life-changing truth this is for us today. Freedom from slavery to sin brings a new life to those who were formerly in bondage. Forgiveness and redemption bring about a "beginning of months" for us. When we are released from our sins, it is "the first month" of a new year. Redemption begins a new life! Oh, praise the Lord for the new life that comes from the cross of Jesus Christ as we are redeemed out of slavery to sin!
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
Many of the great old hymns connected new life with our redemption by the cross as Daniel Whittle did in his hymn Moment by Moment:
Dying with Jesus, by death reckoned mine;
Living with Jesus, a new life divine;
Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine,
Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine.
"The Lord makes all things new to those whom he delivers from the bondage of Satan, and takes to himself to be his people. The time when he does this is to them the beginning of a new life." Matthew Henry Yes, it is entirely possible to begin again, to have the slate wiped clean, to have a new life in Jesus Christ that is free of the past failures and sins. This is what redemption accomplishes in the life of all who come to the cross for forgiveness.
Question 5. Can you recall the date of your "beginning of months" of your new year? Some people came to the cross when they were young and so can’t remember the date of their new birth, others were older when they found new life at the death of Jesus. Or maybe today will be the day that you become a new creation, as you bow your knee to Jesus in submission, and receive Him as Lord, finding forgiveness of sin and new life. How is it with you?
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Wendy writes, "At the age of 13 I started a new life as I bow before the cross of Jesus and received His forgiveness. Also the last month seems to me like a new beginning too. I was living in bondage from different things and going through a valley of depression, but I have received light and freedom at the cross of Jesus. His love amazes me!"
So, we will close right here for today, leaving you with the thought that redemption (forgiveness of sins, release from slavery) brings about the new birth and new life that God requires. In the next lesson, we will study through the rest of the story in Exodus 12.
Question 6. Are you receiving any new insights or new applications from Scripture because of this study? Please share.
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Paul writes, "Absolutely! I have taught children for years, and often felt that the stories of the Old Testament were for lightweights in the faith. Not anymore, as you've so well stated, these are worth 1,000 words as they are pictures of what was to come in Jesus. Thank you for this one incredible insight into God's redemptive plan. I look forward to seeing the entire Old Testament as a photo album of God's people pointing to Jesus."
Jenna writes, "It's hard to articulate how this study is growing my faith, my understanding, and my humbling appreciation for God's eternal plan of salvation and His incomprehensible sovereignty over every minute detail. It's just staggering how great our Jesus is!"
Wendy writes, "It is special for me to see Old Testament stories in a new way to see them foreshadow the life of Jesus and what He came to do. I've known it before but I see it so much clearer now and I'm excited to learn more."