Lesson 11: Summary of the Gospel

Questions 6, 7, 8 and 9

  • And finally we’ve seen the results of the cross: He gives us a crown of beauty instead of ashes, oil of joy instead of mourning and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. He takes our darkness and replaces it with His light, takes our depression and gives us joy.

Question 6. This “replacing” is the ministry of Jesus to us who believe the gospel. Please consider this for a moment: is Jesus replacing your sorrow and sadness and giving you a garment of praise? Is He turning your darkness into light, your depression into joy? Please share what He is doing in your heart:

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Wendy writes, "Yes. The more I focus on Jesus and on all He has done for me, the more my burdens are lifted and the joy returns."
Jessica writes, "I feel my depression lifting and am smiling more. I feel more peace and love in my heart."
Harris writes, "I do believe all this happened at the cross. I feel better in my heart and i believe soon I will see my new garments manifested more."
Carolyn writes, "I still feel very broken but it is comforting to know that Jesus wants me to come to him with my sorrows."
Tori writes, "He is ! He really is. In many ways, with negative thoughts he stops them in their tracks, and I am learning to notice them more and more and declare the truth which is His word. He is showing me revelations that enables me to trust Him more, seek Him more and no he is where my joy is found. The sin that entangles me, he is showing me how to let go of it through the power of the cross. He is making me feel loved and cared about. He is showing me his character, and he is digging in my heart and showing me all my fears, anxious thoughts, bit my bit to help me deal with them and make me a better person. It just gets better with time, I am grateful and eager also to see what he will do. When I feel pangs of sorrow, despair, I run to my room or a place if I can to pray, I hear his word and declare it. I am starting to notice more when I am getting negative, fear it less, and realize that's when I need to surrender, I need my savior and God's wisdom."
The above are all the things listed in Isaiah 61:1-3. These are what Jesus came to do! I hope you are experiencing, or beginning to experience His power to do exactly that which He came to do, in your heart and life.
Tomorrow, we are going to look and see what our response to the gospel is.

Question 7. How are you doing today? Please share with us how things are going for you, and any prayer requests that you might have.

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Harris writes, "I am doing better. And i feel better. There is still some heaviness in my soul and chest that is lighter. I believe as I seek the Father and continue viewing what He did for me I will see His work manifested in my life."
Pamela writes, "I am blessed by what He has shown me. But I have just spent almost 2 hours drinking this in. I really need get on with the day. God please help me grow in this living in the spirit again . This place of truly seeing You and understanding Your word a little more,help me carry it through the day not just leave it here."
Carolyn writes, "I still feel heavy pain in my heart, but feel Jesus is the answer and He is the one I need to turn to."
Jessica writes, "I am doing much better and find myself praying and talking to God much more frequently. I am able to not just jump to anger but be able to deal with life more calmly and rationally."

Question 8. Have you received the gospel of Jesus Christ today in your study of God's Word?

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Question 9. Have you applied the gospel of Jesus Christ in your life today?

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