My friend, maybe you have been like me and expended much human effort on the problem. You’ve gone to humans, and despite their best efforts, nothing has been accomplished. You’ve tried man’s way and things are the same.
But now you are understanding that what you need is God’s Spirit and God’s Word (the gospel).
Notice that the Spirit of God was “hovering over the earth” in the initial stages of creation. This is the same term we would use for a hen who hovers over her eggs as they are about to be born.
Now I have a profound truth for you today. Take a moment and think about this:
The Spirit of God and the Word of God will solve every single problem and help you with every single difficulty you have in this life!
Yes, it is true. Look at the beginning stages of creation: the earth was empty, in darkness and submerged in water. But the Spirit of God was hovering and the Word of God brought light and life. The earth was filled, light flooded the universe, the earth was raised out of its watery grave and began producing fruit. The Spirit and the Word, working together brought about this amazing transformation.
I want to close this lesson today by showing you that the way in which we have interpreted Genesis chapter 1 is the way that God meant it to be interpreted. The reason I want to show you this is so that you can have complete confidence that the Spirit and the Word, working together in your life, are going to bring about the heart and mind and life changes that you desire. God’s Spirit and His Word will transform you from the inside out.
Here is the New Testament spiritual understanding of Genesis chapter 1:
2 Corinthians 4:4-6 NLT Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God. (5) You see, we don’t go around preaching about ourselves. We preach that Jesus Christ is Lord, and we ourselves are your servants for Jesus’ sake. (6) For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.
Question 5. Can you see how the Spirit of God and the Word of God (the gospel of Jesus Christ) are going to bring (or may already be bringing) an amazing transformation in your life? Please share your thoughts:
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Deauna writes: There is a transformation taking place in my life because of the gospel of Jesus Christ. My heart is lighter and I am feeling an incredible sense of freedom and joy. The darkness and numbness is fading.I look forward to what God has planned for my life.
Carnell writes, "I know the Spirit of God and the Word of God work together to transform my life into what God wants. Lord I'm Yours do what you will to me."
Tori writes, "I see it completely, both through the truths presented in this lesson but also evident in my life. I feel the fruit God is producing, the peace he is giving me, the joy, the faith, the trust, the love. It is by His spirit and His Word and number one Christ amazing sacrifice that allows us access to our Great God! I feel so blessed, in my heart and mind I feel a transformation, in my life I see fruit bearing. I used to wake up weeks ago dreading the day and praying to God to enable me to hold on, now I am waking up in the morning thanking God for the day and looking forward with eagerness and excitement at what God will teach me today, on how we will spend the day together and how he will want me to touch the lives of others. Thank you God because you are so good!"
One final thought: this story of creation is literal and true, not merely a foreshadowing of the gospel, or a metaphor of salvation and sanctification. But as we have seen from our last lesson and this one, we can learn so much from “the beginning” story.
Question 6. Have you received the gospel of Jesus Christ today in your study of God's Word?
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Question 7. Have you applied the gospel of Jesus Christ in your life today?
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