Lesson 1: Introduction

Questions 2, 3 and 4

Question 2. How long have you been struggling with depression and what things have you tried in the past to deal with it?

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Carnell writes, "This sense of loneliness has been for over 20 years.  I was actively involved in the activities at church but I still felt the darkness and isolation and loneliness.
Rob writes,"Though a long time ago now, I remember so well the slowly enveloping heaviness and darkness right up to age 42, so great at times that on the drive to work sometimes I would just pull over and sob and sob, darkness outside, emptiness inside."

Question 3. Are you a professing Christian? If so, it would be wonderful to hear a brief testimony of how you came to faith in Christ. Please share your answer here.

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Question 4. Are you regularly attending a local church? If not, please share your location information (city, state, region, zip code or postal code); we will do our best to recommend a church to you.

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