Lesson 5: Jesus Rescues Us from the Darkness

Questions 2 and 3

Now let’s listen to Jesus’ words again through the prophet Isaiah, “I have come to proclaim release from darkness for the prisoners.”
Do you believe it?
Do you understand that Jesus cares enough to come and help you? That His heart is for you? That He has the power to release you from darkness? That He can open up those prison doors and lead you out into the wonderful light where it is warm and energizing and delightful?
This is the ministry of Jesus to you, dear friend; it’s what He does. He’s been releasing prisoners of darkness for thousands of years.
So how exactly does Jesus do this for us? In answer to this question, let’s notice the following passage of Scripture:
At noon, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon. (34) And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?" (which means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?").
Mark 15:33-34 NIV

Question 2. According to Mark 15:33 what came over the whole land for three full hours?

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Question 3. According to Mark 15:34 what did Jesus experience during those three hours?

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Paulina writes, "He experienced a sense of abandonment. He felt alone, He felt a great burden was laid upon him and the time had come for him to fulfill his purpose. He was in emotional and physical pain. He sought his father's support."
Catalina writes, "For the 1st time, Jesus experienced complete loneliness, sadness and abandonment. It was inventible  that he felt sorrow, a great burden and hoping to be rescued. When I meditate on what Jesus experienced on the cross it comforts my heart to know that Jesus can relate to how I feel when I am feeling depressed. It melts my heart to know how deep is his love for me that he allowed himself to feel complete darkness."