Lesson 5: Jesus Rescues Us from the Darkness
Questions 6, 7 and 8
Question 6. Have you received the gospel of Jesus Christ today in your study of God's Word?
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Question 7. Have you applied the gospel of Jesus Christ in your life today?
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In the next lesson, I have an exciting illustration of this very thing to share with you. It is an Old Testament story in which you’ll see the power of the gospel and the good news of Jesus Christ.
Question 8. Please tell us how you are doing. Even though it is early in this course are you sensing some hope in what Jesus has done for you? Please share your thoughts here:
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Paulina writes, "The cross has become more real to me and i have a deep sense of hope. I feel acceptance. The analogy of christ feeling forsaken and our acceptance by God is very powerful. God allowed his son to bear the agony to save his people from their sins. I am part of the whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. When i feel any sense of despair, i know he has already made a pathway to eternal life. The cross emphasized that he can be touched with the feelings of our infirmities. Love wins."
Tori writes, "It truly is a new thing for me to look at the cross, and Jesus for rescue. It is not as deeply embedded or evident to me, but I am growing and learning it more. Also, I am learning more how Jesus felt everything I feel, the despair, the loss, the darkness and thus he can really relate to my pain but also he has the power to lift me up from it, and he died to lift me up for it. Thank you Jesus."
Harris writes, "Yes I am. There is hope with Jesus. His work on the cross is a real work made just for me. It is the expression of love. The highest expression that ever displayed. he really took my darkness , my sin, my sorrow and my confusion. he took it and I can trust, rely on, and rest on Him."
Catalina writes, "Starting this program has helped me to see Jesus on the cross in a deeper emotional level. It's the first time I am understanding that he can relate to the emotional state of depression. I always saw the cross as ultimate sacrifice only for my sins but never for ingrain mental conditions. I feel hopeful to know that the cross means more than the obvious message."