Again, this is the condition of all people by birth. We are brought into this world empty and in darkness. Since Christ is the “Light of the world” (John 8:12), and no person is born with Christ in our hearts, we are all born into darkness.
Remember in the previous lesson, this word “darkness” has several meanings in Scripture:
“The Hebrew word simply means "darkness," but in the Bible, it has come to symbolize that which opposes God, such as judgment (Exodus 10:21), death (Psalm 88:13), oppression (Isaiah 9:1), the wicked (1 Samuel 2:9) and in general, sin. In Isaiah 45:7, it parallels "evil." It is a fitting cover for the primeval waste” (NET Bible Notes - Full Notes Genesis 1:2).
This is the world into which we are all born. We have darkness in our very souls, our hearts are covered in darkness.
Sometimes we humans look for light within ourselves. We can look in self-help books, or listen to modern-day gurus who tell us of “the light within”. But Jesus says, “Therefore be careful lest the light in you be darkness” (Luke 11:35).
“In other words, there is much that passes for light…that is not light. There are many bright things in the world that keep us from seeing the true light of Christ—just like city lights keep you from seeing the stars.”
When we feel that darkness is covering our soul, we might look for light in the psychological world, turning to man and his discoveries, looking for light in the “experts”, men who have supposedly found the “cure for the soul.” And yet, in the end, we will find that we are no better off than when we looked within ourselves for light. We still have the darkness. Human knowledge will not lift our darkness.
Question 3. In what ways have you tried to bring light into your soul in the past? What has been your experience with those things up to this point? Please share here:
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Carnell writes, "I tried finding light in others but I realized they are no better than I was. I failed to look at the light in Christ."
Tori writes, "So many ways. With trying to live adventurously and travel throughout the world, in seeking attention from others, in psychological guidance, therapies, self-help books, exercise, mentors. All were the wrong places to go."
Marty writes, "From other people, self help books. People were more screwed up than I was. As for the books, understanding why I did something didnt give me the power to not do it."