
Day 10 -Mediate on Matthew 11:28-30

There I stood, before the cross, bearing my heavy yoke of sin and despair. Each sin was hanging from that yoke, forcing me to fall on my knees. Standing no longer, I fell to my knees under its weight. As I was kneeling before the cross, my head drooped under this horrible load that is my sin. I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder. Lifting my head, I was looking up into a face full of love.
"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me," my Savior said. He gently lifted that heavy yoke that was laden with my sin from my shoulders. He laid a gentle yoke upon my shoulders instead. "My yoke is easy, and my burden is light. I will give you rest," He said to me.
So at the cross, where my Savior conquered sin and death, I laid my burden of sin at His feet and traded it for life in Him. Come to the cross. He calls to us. Come and find rest for your soul, for only in Jesus Christ, our Savior, and Lord, can we have for life evermore.
Based on Matthew 11:28-30

Question 1. When has God carried a heavy burden for you?

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Gospel Gems