
Day 25 - Reflect on 1 Peter 4:12

Based on 1 Peter 4:12 - “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.”
Never promised a life of ease
Never promised life without trials
Never promised life without suffering
But promised, are we, all of these

For as Jesus suffered for our sake
We will suffer for His namesake
But in and through each suffering
He walks with us

Promised great love are we
Promised never to be alone
Promised an eternal home
These and so much more

Each suffering brings clarity
Of God’s great love for us
Teaching us how to become
More like Jesus, our Lord

So look at each suffering
See Jesus suffering for you
See our salvation in His suffering
See His great love that upholds you

Question 1. How do you see Jesus in your sufferings?

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Gospel Gems