Call to Repentance
Day 27 - Reflect on Repentance
John the Baptist declared loud and clear, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 3:2) John could not provide forgiveness of sins. Even John knew this. In Matthew 3:11, John tells us that one mightier than he would come and baptize His followers with the Holy Spirit. John recognized Jesus as that one whose sandals he was not worthy to carry. (Matthew 3:11) When He saw Jesus coming to him for baptism, He declared, Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world! (John 3:29)
The Lamb of God was born as a man. He came to die on a cross to save man from sin. (1Timothy 1:15) At the Cross of Calvary, when in Jesus we believed, salvation came to us. (Romans 5:8) Washed clean by His blood are we. (1John 1:9) As children of God, our sins are forgiven and forgotten. (Psalm 103:12) Romans 8:1 assures us that we are under no condemnation.
As long as we have breath in our bodies, we can come to Christ. Even the thief, set to die on a cross, was saved when in Jesus he believed. (Luke 23:42-43) So come as you are and repent of your sins, and forgiveness you will receive. So many blessings and promises are yours in Christ because He is your King. (Colossians 3:1, Deuteronomy 5:33)
Question 1. How have you heard Jesus calling you to repent and come to Him?
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