Lesson 7: The Gospel: Our Rule for Life

Day 4

The Corinthians rightly claimed that they were allowed to do anything, live in complete freedom from rules and laws. All believers are free from the Old Covenant Law to live in New Covenant grace. However, the Corinthians were turning their liberty into license. Let’s see how Paul addresses this issue:
“You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is good for you. And even though “I am allowed to do anything,” I must not become a slave to anything. 13 You say, “Food was made for the stomach, and the stomach for food.” (This is true, though someday God will do away with both of them.) But you can’t say that our bodies were made for sexual immorality. They were made for the Lord, and the Lord cares about our bodies. 14 And God will raise us from the dead by his power, just as he raised our Lord from the dead”
1 Corinthians 6:12-14 NLT

Question 1. What criteria does 1 Corinthians 6:12-14 NLT offer to help us live and grow in the gospel and not the lusts of our flesh?

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Food and sex are two issues where living in the flesh is highly detrimental, and Paul addresses both. Even though all things are allowable to those in Christ, we should use wisdom in exercising our freedoms. Paul gives three statements, which we will turn into questions for reflection and guidance:
  1. Is what I'm about to eat or do good for me? "Not everything is good for you."
  2. Is what I'm about to eat or do going to enslave me? "I must not become a slave to anything."
  3. Does what I'm about to eat or do indicate that the Lord owns my body? "They were made for the Lord, and the Lord cares about our bodies."
God makes it clear in this passage that sexual immorality of any kind is not good for us, that it enslaves us to a lifestyle of fleshly living, and that our bodies were not made for sexual immorality but the Lord. Similarly, we should not live as gluttons of food but rather understand the temporary nature of both food and our physical bodies.
It is not that we should take a rigid approach to sex and food, believing that sex is only for procreation and food only for nourishment. No, God gave us both for our enjoyment; it's just that we are not to be enslaved or mastered by either one.
Notice how Paul runs to the gospel when addressing this subject: "And God will raise us from the dead by his power, just as he raised our Lord from the dead." This statement is not merely about our resurrection from the dead someday but connects us to gospel power. The gospel, the death and resurrection of Jesus for our sins, is the power of God to powerfully raise all believers from dead living, freeing us from slavery to sin in this life and empowering us to live differently by faith.
But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, 5 that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!)” (Ephesians 2:4-5 NLT). Yes, “He gave us life when He raised Christ from the dead”, and this is the connection Paul is making in 1 Corinthians 6:14 NLT.
It is as if Paul is saying: are you enslaved to sexual sin or gluttony through food? Do these things overpower you and master you? Look to the gospel today, for this very message is the power of God to raise you from spiritual death and give you a new life (1 Corinthians 1:18). You can have faith to believe in this power for your life because Jesus was raised from the dead; His resurrection is proof of God’s willingness and ability to give you new life too.
And right here in the gospel is your freedom from overpowering sins of the flesh! Jesus loved you unto death and back, and is now mighty to save and raise you from the dead! Do you believe it?

Question 2. How does believing the gospel raise us to new life and free us from sins that could master us?

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Living and Growing in the Gospel