To redeem something is to buy it back. For example, if you parked in the wrong place and your car was towed, and then you went and paid the fine to receive your car back, you would have “redeemed” your car.
You and I were like the car. We had been “impounded”, or rather taken captive by Satan. This captivity expressed itself in so many ways in our life; unbelief, rebellion, hiding in darkness, willful sins, addiction to media, etc.
But Jesus came to this earth, and on the cross He shed His life’s blood as payment for our sins, to “redeem” us and buy us back. If we paid the price we got a car back. Jesus paid the price and got the whole human race back.
Let’s apply this teaching to the reason why you came to this course. Consider this: Jesus redeemed you from media addiction. That is, at the price of Jesus’ very life He bought you back, rescued you from media addiction, adopted you into His family and has secured for you an eternal inheritance!
We also have “the forgiveness of sins.” Think about this, friend. Everything you’ve ever done wrong is now forgiven. And not only forgiven, purposely forgotten!
You know how people will sometimes say, “I can forgive, but I’ll never forget”? God is not that way at all. God says, ‘I will never again remember their sins and lawless deeds.’ And when sins have been forgiven, there is no need to offer any more sacrifices” (Hebrews 10:17-18 NLT).
Think of it! “Never again remember…” Whatever you’ve done that was wrong, and all the good that you have failed to do will never be remembered by God. Never!
One thing that we, as believers, will experience more and more in our lives, is the deepening realization that we have been rescued from sin. This understanding will lead us to worship God increasingly. As we grow in our faith, we feel progressively compelled to praise God for sending His Son to be a sin offering on the cross, and to rescue us from our entire past life.
I remember reading one time about a firefighter who, at the risk of his own life, climbed up a pipe on the side of a burning house to rescue a boy who was trapped. That firefighter was burned as he climbed that hot pipe, yet the desire to rescue the boy was so strong that he kept climbing. The firefighter was able to rescue the boy, but unfortunately, the boy’s parents died in the burning fire.
Later that boy was taken before the city council for a meeting to see who would adopt him since his parents were deceased and he had no other family locally. Several people came forward offering to adopt him. But then the firefighter came forward stating his intention to adopt the boy. When asked what proof the firefighter could provide as to his intention to care for and provide love for the boy, he quietly rolled up his sleeves and showed his burn marks. Those marks proved his love for the boy and the lengths he went to in order to rescue him.
Friend, Jesus has marks in His hands and feet and side. Wounds that He received at His crucifixion. These are the evidence of His love for you, the reminders that He rescued you, and the proof that He intends to love you and care for you throughout all eternity!
“Then He said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don’t be faithless any longer. Believe!’” (John 20:27 NLT).
Question 5. What thoughts do you have as you consider that Jesus rescued and redeemed you on the cross and that God will never remember your sins?
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Tomorrow we are going to see two short illustrations of this rescue. But for now, why not think deeply about Jesus’ love for you, His rescue of you, and how His rescue is intended to “redeem” you from your previous media addiction?
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