Dear friend, I’ve found in my own life that Jesus Christ entirely satisfies me. He gives me so much acceptance, so much love, so much enjoyment, so much satisfaction. There are so many thrills in having a relationship with Him. Over the years I’ve left behind one “water pot” after another because drinking living water is just so enjoyable.
I want you to know this, too. I want you to find in Jesus the “living water” that makes it so that you “never thirst” again. I want you to find what I’ve found; so much “fullness of joy” and “eternal pleasures” (Psalm 16:11) in Jesus that you can leave your water pot behind too.
And finally, did you notice hints of the gospel in John chapter 4 with Jesus' encounter with this woman at the well? Think of it: the disciples had left Jesus hungry as they went into town to get food (John 4:8), and the woman at the well had left Him thirsty, as she never did provide him a drink of water. And yet in His hunger and in His thirst Jesus gave living water, eternal life, to one who so desperately needed it. He thirsted, she was quenched.
Friend, when Jesus was on the cross He said, "I thirst!" (John 19:28). He had been beaten, bloodied and cruified, He was thirsty! But more importantly, He had entered into our condition, the human condition of thirsting, and had taken on our sin which is always associated with thirsting, craving, yearning. But while Jesus hung there on the cross thirsting, He poured out His life for you and He poured out His Spirit for you, that you might have your thirst quenched forever! He thirsted, you are quenched. Do you see that? Have you grasped it?
Question 5. Thinking through the above statement I made, are you wanting to find this same fullness of joy, and thirst-quenching pleasures in Jesus? If so, are you willing to leave the water pot of media addiction behind? I don’t mean the normal use of media, I mean the abuse or overuse of it. Please share your thoughts:
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Hse writes, "Yes, I am willing to leave media addiction even though its kind of hard to do so. Because I understand that overuse of media would give me temporary happiness only compared to the joy that come from Jesus."
Charlene writes: "Yes, and I am already experiencing the fullness of joy and thirst quenching pleasures of Jesus. This is one reason why I have been off social media completely for the month of August and longer, as the Lord leads me. I am willing to leave the water pot of media addiction behind because I am being reminded that my identity, my value, my worth does not lie in the abuse or overuse of these things that only temporarily satisfy. I have a Savior who loves me so much, even in my sin, that He gave His life, took on my sin, those of the past, present and future, to give me eternal life, abundant grace, mercy, and to fully satisfy me in ways that media cannot and will never satisfy me. I am being reminded of the first verse of this song that I love by Selah: "There is a fountain filled with blood, Drawn from Immanuel’s veins; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains: Lose all their guilty stains, Lose all their guilty stains; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains." I was guilty, and with the blood of Jesus, I was washed clean and made righteous, through no work of my own. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God!"
In the next lesson, I want to share some Scriptures with you and ask you to find some comparisons with the story we have just finished reading. I hope you’re already seeing some hope that, with Jesus, your heart can be so full of joy and that you can experience such pleasure in Him that you don’t need to turn to gaming, YouTube, social media, or any other kind of time-filler or time-waster to find what your heart needs. It’s all in Jesus! If you are not assigned to a mentor, you may write to with questions or specific prayer requests.