Lesson 10 God’s Purpose for Alone Time
Question 5
I have to tell you that this “alone time” with Jesus has totally transformed my life. To put it simply, it’s just a whole lot better than being addicted to media. It’s like discovering gold and then realizing that what you had before was just dust. Or like eating at a banquet and then feeling like you were just eating mud pies before.
Starting in tomorrow’s lesson, I want to show you how this experience of getting alone with Jesus can be very much like a treasure hunt, a treasure hunt that affects our hearts. Like Jesus’ followers in Luke 24, when we get alone with Jesus and He opens His Word to us and opens our hearts to Him, we feel like we’re burning up with love to Him. It is just an amazing experience, it is truly addicting, in a really good and positive way.
When he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything.
Notice what a couple of other people said who had this “alone time” with Jesus:
Job 23:12 NIV I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.
Psalms 19:10 NIV They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb.
So now I can tell you that the desire for “alone time” is built into each one of us. But it’s not so that we can try to escape the stress in our lives and waste time with media addiction, it’s so that we can be with Jesus and have an experience that is truly exciting, filling, and very rewarding!
Question 5. When you think about having this “alone time” with Jesus, what thoughts do you have just now? Are you looking forward to it? Please share:
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Hse writes, "Yes, the story of what Jesus explained to his disciple in private motivates me more to spend time with him. Because I believe that Jesus is the only one who is able to answer all of the question that I have in life and able to change me for his glory."
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