You see, this is what you and I have been looking for when we would turn to media. We wanted a transcendent experience, an escape from our everyday doldrums, an experience of acceptance, of true love and real joy (in other words, “eternal pleasures”), and some thrill or excitement.
But we were looking in the wrong place. YouTube videos, Snapchat sessions, gaming, TV, etc. are all a substitute for the real thing. Jesus is so much better!
There was a young woman in the Bible who fell in love with her king. He also fell in love with her. One day she spoke to him and said, “Kiss me and kiss me again, for your love is sweeter than wine” (Song of Solomon 1:2 NLT).
You know, we who experience King Jesus on an ongoing basis can truly say His love is not only sweeter than wine, but it’s better than media. Jesus is better than movies, better than gaming, better than social media, He’s just plain better. In fact, He’s better than anything we could ever think or dream of.
There is a modern-day songwriter (David Crowder) who describes Jesus’ love as a “hurricane” and himself as a “tree”. Now that’s some kind of love, practically knocking us over with its power. He also describes Jesus’ love as an ocean, and we who get alone with Him are “sinking” into it. In other words, His love engulfs us, swirls all around us, and we become immersed in it!
Question 2. Please take a moment and listen to this songwriter: David Crowder Band - How He Loves Us. What are your thoughts about this song?
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Hse writes, "God love is stronger than anything and the one and only thing that can fill us."
So think for a moment about all the things that you would like Jesus to be better than, for you. Is it gaming? Is it the excitement of online relationships? Is it social media?
Question 3. Please write those things that you would personally like Jesus’ love to be better than, for you. Please be specific.
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Hse writes, "I want Jesus to be better than Social media, friends, and anything things else in the world."