Lesson 19 Don't Take Media Out--Put Jesus In
Questions 3 and 4
One of the young men went out to get some food for the rest of the men and came back unwittingly with some wild gourds (similar to a tough skinned pumpkin) which he put in the stew. Those wild gourds were poisonous and might have killed all the men if they had eaten it.
What happened is that the poison worked its way through the entire batch of stew, so that every part of that stew would have been poison.
Question 3. According to 2 Kings 4:41, what was the solution provided?
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Elisha the prophet knew what to do. He called for some flour and then threw it into the pot. Now, why was this a good solution?
Well, think about it this way: it would have been futile to try to remove the poison from the stew, right? I mean it had worked its way clear through the whole stew. It wouldn’t have done any good to try to pick out the individual gourds, somehow try to remove each little bit of poison. No, the poison was clear through the entire stew. It had literally taken over the whole stew.
Question 4. According to 2 Kings 4:41, what effect did the addition of the flour have on the stew?
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