Setting Captives Free asks that mentors refrain from sending out recommendations for ministries or materials that are not on the recommended resources page to students or fellow mentors. It is not that we feel we have a monopoly on gospel truth, we certainly do not, but the reason for this is we want to present a unified gospel voice and a unified gospel message throughout the ministry. Adding other ministry resources has the possibility of diluting this unified message. If you have a resource that you would like to recommend, please send it to for the Board's consideration. Question 7. Do you agree to refrain from recommending other ministries, resources, materials, etc. except what is listed in the Setting Captives Free “Resources” section?
Setting Captives Free desires to provide timely replies to all our students. Think about how you would feel if you poured your heart out in a lesson, asked some questions that were important to you, and then did not receive a response or received a late response. We ask all prospective mentors to respond to their students within 24 hours of receiving the lesson, hopefully sooner. We are not legalistic about this, as we know that sometimes technical difficulties and other hindrances can arise, but the “response within 24 hours” is our aim and goal.
Question 8. Do you agree with the policy of responding to students in a timely manner, and will you agree to the 24-hour policy, always striving to provide a response sooner if possible?
Finally, Setting Captives Free discourages the discussion of debatable issues (as those can greatly distract from the gospel). These debatable issues can become arguments quickly, and we don’t want our students arguing; rather, we want them to look to Jesus and find freedom. So issues such as denominations, Bible translations (KJV only, etc.), Calvinism vs. Arminianism, speaking in tongues, etc. are off-topic. Of course, you’re welcome to your studied opinion on these; we just don’t want them to be a distraction to our students.
Question 9. Do you agree not to discuss debatable issues but rather keep focused on the gospel of Jesus Christ?
Once accepted as a mentor in training, you will receive the "Weekly Encouragement" from our board of directors. We'd love for you to respond and encourage us by sharing what you see at the cross, in response to the weekly writing; however, a reply is not required. The weekly encouragement is to be a blessing to you, not a burden. So, respond if your heart is overflowing and you want to share.
Additionally, we have a weekly requirement to let us know that you are still able, and "willing and available" to mentor, so each week you will receive an automated message asking if you are still able and available to mentor. To this automated request you must respond with "Yes", "No", or "I need to talk with someone about this." The reason for this requirement is so that we know that you are ok, that you are still with us, and that the students who come to us will still be responded to.
If you are not already subscribed, please subscribe to the Setting Captives Free newsletter with your preferred email address so that we can add you to the mentor communication group.
If accepted as a mentor you will be notified with an acceptance letter. If for some reason, the Board does not feel that mentoring with Setting Captives Free is a good fit for you, you will receive a letter of explanation. Thank you again for your application to join the team of volunteers at Setting Captives Free. We will have an answer for you shortly.
Your answer will come to the email address you used when you enrolled in this course.
While you are waiting, here are a few resource documents for you to peruse and enjoy at your discretion, which are designed to help in preparing you to mentor: